Archetypes movies.
Shows the intermediate steps of the algorithm;
Archetypes parallel coordinates plot movie.
movieplot(zs, data, show = c("atypes", "adata", "rwdata"), ssleep = 0,
bsleep = 0, postfn = function(iter) { }, rwdata.col1 = gray(0.7),
rwdata.col2 = 2, ...)movieplot2(zs, data, show = "atypes", ssleep = 0, bsleep = 0,
zas.col = 2, zas.pch = 13, old.col = rgb(1, 0.5, 0.5), ...)
moviepcplot(zs, data, show = c("atypes", "adata"), ssleep = 0, bsleep = 0,
An archetypes
The data matrix.
Show archetypes or approximated data.
Seconds to sleep before start.
Seconds to sleep between each plot.
Post plot function; is called in each iteration after the plot call.
If show = 'rwdata'
: color of
base data set.
If show = 'rwdata'
: color of
weighted data set.
Passed to underlying plot functions.
Color of the intermediate archetypes.
Type of the intermediate archetypes points.
Color of the archetypes on step further.