Displays a schematic representation of skeleton data as
available in dataset skel
Displays a generic skeleton with annotations explaining the
measurements available in data set skel
skeletonplot(x, skel.width = 100, skel.height = 200, ylab = "Height (cm)",
base.radius = 2, xlab = "", xlim = (nrow(x) * c(0, skel.width)),
ylim = c(0, skel.height), col = NULL, mtext = TRUE, skel.lwd = 1, ...)jd()
Matrix or data.frame of skeleton data.
Reference width for instance calculation.
Reference height for instance calculation.
Base radius for points.
The x label of the plot.
The y label of the plot.
Numeric of length 2 giving the x limits for the plot.
Numeric of length 2 giving the y limits for the plot.
Color of the different parts of the skeleton.
Label archetypes.
Line width of skeleton.
Passed to underlying canvas plot function.
List of skeleton instances.
Generic skeleton instance.