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archivist (version 2.3.8)

Repository: Repository


Repository stores specific values of an artifact, different for various artifact's classes and artifacts themselves. To learn more about artifacts visit archivistPackage.



Bug reports and feature requests can be sent to https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist/issues


Repository is a folder with an SQLite database stored in a file named backpack and a subdirectory named gallery.

backpack contains two tables:artifact and tag. artifact table consists of three columns:

  • md5hash,

  • name,

  • createdDate,

while tag table consists of the following three columns:

  • artifact,

  • tag,

  • createdDate.

gallery collects the following objects:

  • artifacts and artifacts' data saved as .rda files,

  • artifacts' miniatures saved as .txt and .png files.


Biecek P and Kosinski M (2017). "archivist: An R Package for Managing, Recording and Restoring Data Analysis Results." _Journal of Statistical Software_, *82*(11), pp. 1-28. doi: 10.18637/jss.v082.i11 (URL: http://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v082.i11). URL https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist

See Also

Functions using Repository are:

  • addTagsRepo,

  • ahistory,

  • aread,

  • asearch,

  • cache,

  • getTagsLocal,

  • getTagsRemote,

  • splitTagsLocal,

  • splitTagsRemote,

  • loadFromLocalRepo,

  • loadFromRemoteRepo,

  • rmFromLocalRepo,

  • saveToRepo,

  • searchInLocalRepo,

  • searchInRemoteRepo,

  • shinySearchInLocalRepo,

  • showLocalRepo,

  • showRemoteRepo,

  • summaryLocalRepo,

  • summaryRemoteRepo.

Function creating Repository is:

  • createLocalRepo.

Function deleting Repository is:

  • deleteLocalRepo.

Functions coping Repository are:

  • copyLocalRepo,

  • copyRemoteRepo.

Functions creating a zip archive from an existing Repository are:

  • zipLocalRepo,

  • zipRemoteRepo.

Functions setting global path to the Repository are:

  • setLocalRepo,

  • setRemoteRepo.

Learn more about Repository at archivist wiki webpage on Github.

Other archivist: Tags, %a%(), addHooksToPrint(), addTagsRepo(), aformat(), ahistory(), alink(), aoptions(), archivistPackage, aread(), areadLocal(), asearch(), asearchLocal(), asession(), atrace(), cache(), copyLocalRepo(), createLocalRepo(), createMDGallery(), deleteLocalRepo(), getRemoteHook(), getTagsLocal(), loadFromLocalRepo(), md5hash, removeTagsRepo(), restoreLibs(), rmFromLocalRepo(), saveToLocalRepo(), searchInLocalRepo(), setLocalRepo(), shinySearchInLocalRepo(), showLocalRepo(), splitTagsLocal(), summaryLocalRepo(), zipLocalRepo()