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archivist (version 2.3.8)

copyLocalRepo: Copy an Existing Repository into Another Repository


copy*Repo copies artifacts from one Repository into another Repository. It adds new files to existing gallery folder in repoTo Repository. copyLocalRepo copies local Repository while copyRemoteRepo copies remote Repository.


copyLocalRepo(repoFrom = NULL, repoTo, md5hashes)

copyRemoteRepo( repoTo, md5hashes, repo = aoptions("repo"), user = aoptions("user"), branch = aoptions("branch"), subdir = aoptions("subdir"), repoType = aoptions("repoType") )



While copying local repository. A character that specifies the directory of the Repository from which artifacts will be copied. If it is set to NULL (by default), it will use the repoDir specified in setLocalRepo.


A character that specifies the directory of the Repository into which artifacts will be copied.


A character vector containing md5hashes of artifacts to be copied.


While coping the remote repository. A character containing a name of the remote repository on which the "repoFrom" - Repository is archived. By default set to NULL - see Note.


While coping the remote repository. A character containing a name of the remote user on whose account the "repoFrom" - Repository is created. By default set to NULL - see Note.


While coping with the remote repository. A character containing a name of Remote Repository's branch on which the "repoFrom" - Repository is archived. Default branch is master.


While working with the remote repository. A character containing a name of a directory on the remote repository on which the "repoFrom" - Repository is stored. If the Repository is stored in the main folder on the remote repository, this should be set to FALSE as default.


A character containing a type of the remote repository. Currently it can be 'Remote' or 'bitbucket'.


Bug reports and feature requests can be sent to https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist/issues


Marcin Kosinski, m.p.kosinski@gmail.com


Functions copyLocalRepo and copyRemoteRepo copy artifacts from the archivist's Repositories stored in a local folder or on the Remote. Both of them use md5hashes of artifacts which are to be copied in md5hashes parameter. For more information about md5hash see md5hash.


Biecek P and Kosinski M (2017). "archivist: An R Package for Managing, Recording and Restoring Data Analysis Results." _Journal of Statistical Software_, *82*(11), pp. 1-28. doi: 10.18637/jss.v082.i11 (URL: http://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v082.i11). URL https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist

See Also

Other archivist: Repository, Tags, %a%(), addHooksToPrint(), addTagsRepo(), aformat(), ahistory(), alink(), aoptions(), archivistPackage, aread(), areadLocal(), asearch(), asearchLocal(), asession(), atrace(), cache(), createLocalRepo(), createMDGallery(), deleteLocalRepo(), getRemoteHook(), getTagsLocal(), loadFromLocalRepo(), md5hash, removeTagsRepo(), restoreLibs(), rmFromLocalRepo(), saveToLocalRepo(), searchInLocalRepo(), setLocalRepo(), shinySearchInLocalRepo(), showLocalRepo(), splitTagsLocal(), summaryLocalRepo(), zipLocalRepo()


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

## Using archivist remote Repository to copy artifacts
# creating example Repository
exampleRepoDir <- tempfile()
createLocalRepo( exampleRepoDir )

# Searching for md5hashes of artifacts (without data related to them)
# in the archivist remote  Repository
hashes <- searchInRemoteRepo( pattern="name", user="pbiecek", repo="archivist", fixed=FALSE )

# Copying selected artifacts from archivist Remote  Repository into exampleRepoDir Repository

copyRemoteRepo( repoTo = exampleRepoDir , md5hashes= hashes, user="pbiecek", repo="archivist" )

# See how the gallery folder in our exampleRepoDir Repository
# with copies of artifacts from archivist Remote  Repository looks like
list.files( path = file.path( exampleRepoDir, "gallery" ) )

# See how the backpack database in our exampleRepoDir Repository looks like
showLocalRepo( repoDir = exampleRepoDir )

# removing an example Repository

deleteLocalRepo( exampleRepoDir, deleteRoot=TRUE )

rm( exampleRepoDir )

# many archivist-like Repositories on one Remote repository

dir <- paste0(getwd(), "/ex1")
createLocalRepo( dir )
copyRemoteRepo( repoTo = dir , md5hashes = "ff575c261c949d073b2895b05d1097c3",
                user="MarcinKosinski", repo="Museum",
                branch="master", subdir="ex2")
# Check if the copied artifact is on our dir Repository

showLocalRepo( repoDir = dir) # It is in backpack database indeed
list.files( path = file.path( dir, "gallery" ) ) # it is also in gallery folder

# removing an example Repository
deleteLocalRepo( dir, TRUE)


## Using graphGallery Repository attached to the archivist package to copy artifacts

# creating example Repository

exampleRepoDir <- tempfile()
createLocalRepo( exampleRepoDir )

# Searching for md5hashes of artifacts (without data related to them)
# in the graphGallery  Repository
archivistRepo <- system.file( "graphGallery", package = "archivist")
# You may use: 
# hashes <- unique(showLocalRepo(repoDir)[,1]) 
# to extract all artifacts from repository
hashes <- searchInLocalRepo( pattern="name",
                             repoDir =  archivistRepo,
                             fixed=FALSE )

# Copying selected artifacts from archivist Remote  Repository into exampleRepoDir Repository

copyLocalRepo( repoFrom = archivistRepo, repoTo = exampleRepoDir , md5hashes= hashes )

# See how the backpack database in our exampleRepoDir Repository looks like
showLocalRepo( repoDir = exampleRepoDir )

# removing an example Repository

deleteLocalRepo( exampleRepoDir, deleteRoot=TRUE )

rm( exampleRepoDir )
rm( archivistRepo )


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