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archivist (version 2.3.8)

rmFromLocalRepo: Remove an Artifact Given as a md5hash from the Repository


rmFromLocalRepo removes an artifact given as a md5hash from the Repository. To learn more about artifacts visit archivistPackage.


  repoDir = aoptions("repoDir"),
  removeData = FALSE,
  removeMiniature = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,
  many = FALSE




A character assigned to the artifact through the use of a cryptographical hash function with MD5 algorithm, or it's abbreviation. This object will be removed. If many parameter is set to TRUE then md5hash will be a character vector.


A character denoting an existing directory from which an artifact will be removed.


A logical value denoting whether to remove data along with the artifact specified by the md5hash. Default FALSE.


A logical value denoting whether to remove a miniature along with the artifact specified by the md5hash. Default FALSE.


A logical value denoting whether to remove data related to more than one artifact. Defualt FALSE.


A logical value. To accelerate the speed of removing many objects, you can set this parameter to TRUE and pass a vector of artifacts' md5hashes to a md5hash parameter. It is not possible to use a vector of artifacts' md5hashes abbreviations - see Note. By default, set to FALSE.


All arguments are being passed to rmFromLocalRepo.


Bug reports and feature requests can be sent to https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist/issues


Marcin Kosinski , m.p.kosinski@gmail.com Witold Chodor , witoldchodor@gmail.com


rmFromLocalRepo removes an artifact given as a md5hash from the Repository. To be more precise, an artifact is removed both from backpack.db file(the SQLite database)and gallery subdirectory, where the artifacts are stored as md5hash.rda files.

Important: instead of giving the whole md5hash character, a user can simply give its first few characters. For example, "a09dd" instead of "a09ddjdkf9kj33dcjdnfjgos9jd9jkcv". All artifacts with the same md5hash abbreviation will be removed from the Repository.

rmFromLocalRepo provides functionality that enables us to delete miniatures of the artifacts (.txt or .png files) while removing .rda files. To delete miniature of the artifact use removeMiniature = TRUE argument. Moreover, if the data from the artifact is archived then there is a possibility to delete this data while removing the artifact. Simply use removeData = TRUE argument.

If one wants to remove all artifacts created between two dates, it is suggested to perform:

  • obj2rm <- searchInLocalRepo( tag = list(dateFrom, dateTo), repoDir = )

  • sapply(obj2rm, rmFromLocalRepo, repoDir = )


Biecek P and Kosinski M (2017). "archivist: An R Package for Managing, Recording and Restoring Data Analysis Results." _Journal of Statistical Software_, *82*(11), pp. 1-28. doi: 10.18637/jss.v082.i11 (URL: http://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v082.i11). URL https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist

See Also

Other archivist: Repository, Tags, %a%(), addHooksToPrint(), addTagsRepo(), aformat(), ahistory(), alink(), aoptions(), archivistPackage, aread(), areadLocal(), asearch(), asearchLocal(), asession(), atrace(), cache(), copyLocalRepo(), createLocalRepo(), createMDGallery(), deleteLocalRepo(), getRemoteHook(), getTagsLocal(), loadFromLocalRepo(), md5hash, removeTagsRepo(), restoreLibs(), saveToLocalRepo(), searchInLocalRepo(), setLocalRepo(), shinySearchInLocalRepo(), showLocalRepo(), splitTagsLocal(), summaryLocalRepo(), zipLocalRepo()

Other archivist: Repository, Tags, %a%(), addHooksToPrint(), addTagsRepo(), aformat(), ahistory(), alink(), aoptions(), archivistPackage, aread(), areadLocal(), asearch(), asearchLocal(), asession(), atrace(), cache(), copyLocalRepo(), createLocalRepo(), createMDGallery(), deleteLocalRepo(), getRemoteHook(), getTagsLocal(), loadFromLocalRepo(), md5hash, removeTagsRepo(), restoreLibs(), saveToLocalRepo(), searchInLocalRepo(), setLocalRepo(), shinySearchInLocalRepo(), showLocalRepo(), splitTagsLocal(), summaryLocalRepo(), zipLocalRepo()