# Here's a simple example of a model of the form, y = a + bx + error,
# with 10 observations in each of 10 groups, and with both the
# intercept and the slope varying by group. First we set up the model and data.
group <- rep(1:10, rep(10,10))
group2 <- rep(1:10, 10)
mu.a <- 0
sigma.a <- 2
mu.b <- 3
sigma.b <- 4
rho <- 0.56
Sigma.ab <- array (c(sigma.a^2, rho*sigma.a*sigma.b,
rho*sigma.a*sigma.b, sigma.b^2), c(2,2))
sigma.y <- 1
ab <- mvrnorm (10, c(mu.a,mu.b), Sigma.ab)
a <- ab[,1]
b <- ab[,2]
d <- rnorm(10)
x <- rnorm (100)
y1 <- rnorm (100, a[group] + b*x, sigma.y)
y2 <- rbinom(100, 1, prob=invlogit(a[group] + b*x))
y3 <- rnorm (100, a[group] + b[group]*x + d[group2], sigma.y)
y4 <- rbinom(100, 1, prob=invlogit(a[group] + b*x + d[group2]))
# display a simple linear model
M1 <- lm (y1 ~ x)
display (M1)
# display a simple logit model
M2 <- glm (y2 ~ x, family=binomial(link="logit"))
display (M2)
# Then fit and display a simple varying-intercept model:
M3 <- lmer (y1 ~ x + (1|group))
display (M3)
# M3.sim <- mcsamp (M3)
# print (M3.sim)
# plot (M3.sim)
# Then the full varying-intercept, varying-slope model:
M4 <- lmer (y1 ~ x + (1 + x |group))
display (M4)
# M4.sim <- mcsamp (M4)
# print (M4.sim)
# plot (M4.sim)
# Then the full varying-intercept, logit model:
M5 <- glmer (y2 ~ x + (1|group), family=binomial(link="logit"))
display (M5)
# M5.sim <- mcsamp (M5)
# print (M5.sim)
# plot (M5.sim)
# Then the full varying-intercept, varying-slope logit model:
M6 <- glmer (y2 ~ x + (1|group) + (0 + x |group),
display (M6)
# M6.sim <- mcsamp (M6)
# print (M6.sim)
# plot (M6.sim)
# Then non-nested varying-intercept, varying-slop model:
M7 <- lmer (y3 ~ x + (1 + x |group) + (1|group2))
# M7.sim <- mcsamp (M7)
# print (M7.sim)
# plot (M7.sim)
# Then the ordered logit model from polr
M8 <- polr(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing)
M9 <- bayespolr(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing)
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