Imports dChip-exported CEL files into a directory structure recognized by this package. ASCII CEL files are converted to binary CEL files, and for chip types where the array data is rotated 90-degrees counter clockwise by dChip, the data is rotated back.
As of 2007-03-28, dChip rotates data for exon, tiling, and Mapping 500K arrays.
## Static method (use this):
## AffymetrixCelSet$importFromDChip(path, name=NULL, tags="dChip", rootPath="probeData",
## rotateBack=NA, ..., skip=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)## Don't use the below:
# S3 method for AffymetrixCelSet
importFromDChip(static, path, name=NULL, tags="dChip", rootPath="probeData",
rotateBack=NA, ..., skip=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
Returns an AffymetrixCelSet
The path to all dChip-exported CEL files.
The name of the output data set.
, the name is inferred from the source path.
Tags added to the imported data set.
The root path where to store the data set.
, the dChip-rotated array data is rotated
back. If NA
, this is inferred from the chip type name.
Additional arguments passed to byPath()
, already converted files are not re-converted.
See Verbose
Henrik Bengtsson
Note that dChip stores CEL intensities as 16-bit integers in its *.dcp files, although CEL files are capable or holding floats. This means that you might loose precision if first import data in to dChip and then export it data again.
For more information see AffymetrixCelSet