Package: aroma.affymetrix
Class ParameterCelFile
Directly known subclasses:
ChipEffectFile, CnChipEffectFile, CnProbeAffinityFile, ExonChipEffectFile, ExonProbeAffinityFile, FirmaFile, ProbeAffinityFile, ResidualFile, SnpChipEffectFile, SnpProbeAffinityFile, WeightsFile
public abstract static class ParameterCelFile
extends ParametersInterface
A ParameterCelFile object represents parameter estimates.
ParameterCelFile(..., encodeFunction=NULL, decodeFunction=NULL)
extractDataFrame | - | |
extractMatrix | - | |
readUnits | - |
Methods inherited from ParametersInterface:
getParameterSets, getParameters, getParametersAsString
Methods inherited from AffymetrixCelFile:
allocateFromCdf, as.character, clone, createFrom, extractMatrix, fromFile, getAm, getCdf, getExtensionPattern, getFileFormat, getImage, getUnitNamesFile, getUnitTypesFile, highlight, image270, nbrOfCells, plotDensity, plotImage, plotMvsA, plotMvsX, range, setCdf, smoothScatterMvsA, writeImage
Methods inherited from AromaPlatformInterface:
getAromaPlatform, getAromaUflFile, getAromaUgpFile, getChipType, getPlatform, getUnitAnnotationDataFile, getUnitNamesFile, getUnitTypesFile, isCompatibleWith
Methods inherited from AromaMicroarrayDataFile:
getAttributeXY, getChipType, getPlatform, getPloidy, getXAM, hasAttributeXY, isAverageFile, setAttributeXY, setAttributesByTags
Methods inherited from FileCacheKeyInterface:
Methods inherited from CacheKeyInterface:
Methods inherited from GenericDataFile:
as.character, clone, compareChecksum, copyTo, equals, fromFile, getAttribute, getAttributes, getChecksum, getChecksumFile, getCreatedOn, getDefaultFullName, getExtension, getExtensionPattern, getFileSize, getFileType, getFilename, getFilenameExtension, getLastAccessedOn, getLastModifiedOn, getOutputExtension, getPath, getPathname, gunzip, gzip, hasBeenModified,, isFile, isGzipped, linkTo, readChecksum, renameTo, renameToUpperCaseExt, setAttribute, setAttributes, setAttributesBy, setAttributesByTags, setExtensionPattern, testAttributes, validate, validateChecksum, writeChecksum, getParentName
Methods inherited from FullNameInterface:
appendFullNameTranslator, appendFullNameTranslatorByNULL, appendFullNameTranslatorByTabularTextFile, appendFullNameTranslatorByTabularTextFileSet, appendFullNameTranslatorBycharacter, appendFullNameTranslatorBydata.frame, appendFullNameTranslatorByfunction, appendFullNameTranslatorBylist, clearFullNameTranslator, clearListOfFullNameTranslators, getDefaultFullName, getFullName, getFullNameTranslator, getListOfFullNameTranslators, getName, getTags, hasTag, hasTags, resetFullName, setFullName, setFullNameTranslator, setListOfFullNameTranslators, setName, setTags, updateFullName
Methods inherited from Object:
$, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clearLookupCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, getEnvironment, getFieldModifier, getFieldModifiers, getFields, getInstantiationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, names, objectSize, print, save, asThis
The idea behind this class is store data fields which by nature have one value per probe (per field) in CEL files. A perfect example is to store probe-affinity estimates and their standard deviations. There is one probe affinity per probe so the structure of a CEL file (and its coupled CDF file) is well suited to read/write such information.
Consider a unit group with L probes. A CEL file stores
(L floats), stdvs
(L floats), and
(L integers). Thus, for each probe l=1,...,L, a
(float, float, integer) tuple is stored. We can use this for any
information we want. If we want a slightly different structure,
we can choose to encode/decode our structure/information to fit the
structure of the CEL file. This abstract class provides transparent
methods for encoding and decoding such information through methods
and decodeUnitGroup()
By subclassing you can implement different types of data structures.
Henrik Bengtsson