Gets the indices of probepairs with the same pair of SNP nucleotides. Note that the order of allele A and allele B is irrelevant. For instance, all probepairs with nucleotides (A,T) are calibrated together with all probepairs with nucleotides (T,A) reversed.
# S3 method for AffymetrixCdfFile
getAlleleProbePairs(this, units=NULL, ignoreOrder=TRUE, force=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, ...)
Returns a named list
where each element is a two-column matrix
the column names are the nucleotides for the two alleles.
A logical
or a Verbose
Not used.
On an IBM Thinkpad A31 with 1.8GHz and 1GB RAM:
10208 units & 432964 cells: 11 seconds.
58960 SNPs & 589,600 (PMA,PMB) probe pairs: 11 seconds.
Henrik Bengtsson
For more information see AffymetrixCdfFile