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itemsets-class: Class ``itemsets'' --- A Set of Itemsets


The itemsets class represents a set of itemsets and the associated quality measures. Note that the class can also represent a multiset of itemsets with duplicated elements. Duplicated elements can be removed with unique.


Objects from the Class

Objects are the result of calling the functions apriori (e.g., with target="frequent itemsets" in the parameter list) or eclat. Objects can also be created by calls of the form new("itemsets", ...).


Class associations, directly.

See Also

[-methods, apriori, c, duplicated, eclat, inspect, is.maximal, length, match, sets, size, subset, associations-class, tidLists-class


Run this code

## Mine frequent itemsets with Eclat.
fsets <- eclat(Adult, parameter = list(supp = 0.5))

## Display the 5 itemsets with the highest support.
fsets.top5 <- sort(fsets)[1:5]

## Get the itemsets as a list
as(items(fsets.top5), "list")

## Get the itemsets as a binary matrix
as(items(fsets.top5), "matrix")

## Get the itemsets as a sparse matrix, a ngCMatrix from package Matrix.
## Warning: for efficiency reasons, the ngCMatrix you get is transposed 
as(items(fsets.top5), "ngCMatrix")

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