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eclat: Mining Associations with Eclat


Mine frequent itemsets with the Eclat algorithm. This algorithm uses simple intersection operations for equivalence class clustering along with bottom-up lattice traversal.


eclat(data, parameter = NULL, control = NULL)



object of class '>transactions or any data structure which can be coerced into '>transactions (e.g., binary matrix, data.frame).


object of class '>ECparameter or named list (default values are: support 0.1 and maxlen 5)


object of class '>ECcontrol or named list for algorithmic controls.


Returns an object of class '>itemsets.


Calls the C implementation of the Eclat algorithm by Christian Borgelt for mining frequent itemsets.

Eclat can also return the transaction IDs for each found itemset using tidLists=TRUE as a parameter and the result can be retrieved as a '>tidLists object with method tidLists() for class '>itemsets. Note that storing transaction ID lists is very memory intensive, creating transaction ID lists only works for minimum support values which create a relatively small number of itemsets. See also supportingTransactions.

ruleInduction can be used to generate rules from the found itemsets.

A weighted version of ECLAT is available as function weclat. This version can be used to perform weighted association rule mining (WARM).


Mohammed J. Zaki, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Mitsunori Ogihara, and Wei Li. (1997) New algorithms for fast discovery of association rules. Technical Report 651, Computer Science Department, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627.

Christian Borgelt (2003) Efficient Implementations of Apriori and Eclat. Workshop of Frequent Item Set Mining Implementations (FIMI 2003, Melbourne, FL, USA).

ECLAT Implementation: http://www.borgelt.net/eclat.html

See Also

ECparameter-class, ECcontrol-class, transactions-class, itemsets-class, weclat, apriori, ruleInduction, supportingTransactions


Run this code
## Mine itemsets with minimum support of 0.1 and 5 or less items
itemsets <- eclat(Adult,
		parameter = list(supp = 0.1, maxlen = 5))

## Create rules from the itemsets
rules <- ruleInduction(itemsets, Adult, confidence = .9)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab