arules (version 1.7-7)

abbreviate: Abbreviate item labels in transactions, itemMatrix and associations


Provides the generic function and the methods to abbreviate long item labels in transactions, associations (rules and itemsets) and transaction ID lists. Note that abbreviate() is not a generic and this arules defines a generic with the base::abbreviate() as the default.


abbreviate(names.arg, ...)

# S4 method for itemMatrix abbreviate(names.arg, minlength = 4, ..., method = "both.sides")

# S4 method for transactions abbreviate(names.arg, minlength = 4, ..., method = "both.sides")

# S4 method for rules abbreviate(names.arg, minlength = 4, ..., method = "both.sides")

# S4 method for itemsets abbreviate(names.arg, minlength = 4, ..., method = "both.sides")

# S4 method for tidLists abbreviate(names.arg, minlength = 4, ..., method = "both.sides")



an object of class transactions, itemMatrix, itemsets, rules or tidLists.


further arguments passed on to the default abbreviation function.


number of characters allowed in abbreviation


apply to level and value (both.sides)


Sudheer Chelluboina and Michael Hahsler based on code by Martin Vodenicharov.

See Also


Other associations functions: associations-class, c(), duplicated(), extract, inspect(), is.closed(), is.generator(), is.maximal(), is.redundant(), is.significant(), is.superset(), itemsets-class, match(), rules-class, sample(), sets, size(), sort(), unique()

Other itemMatrix and transactions functions: crossTable(), c(), duplicated(), extract, hierarchy, image(), inspect(), is.superset(), itemFrequencyPlot(), itemFrequency(), itemMatrix-class, match(), merge(), random.transactions(), sample(), sets, size(), supportingTransactions(), tidLists-class, transactions-class, unique()


Run this code

inspect(head(Adult, 1))

Adult_abbr <- abbreviate(Adult, 15)
inspect(head(Adult_abbr, 1))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab