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proximity-classes: Classes dist, ar_cross_dissimilarity and ar_similarity --- Proximity Matrices


Simple classes to represent proximity matrices.


Objects from the Class

dist objects are the result of calling the method dissimilarity() with one argument or any R function returning a S3 dist object.

ar_cross_dissimilarity objects are the result of calling the method dissimilarity() with two arguments, by calls of the form new("similarity", ...), or by coercion from matrix.

ar_similarity objects are the result of calling the method affinity(), by calls of the form new("similarity", ...), or by coercion from matrix.


Michael Hahsler


For compatibility with clustering functions in R, we represent dissimilarities as the S3 class dist. For cross-dissimilarities and similarities, we provide the S4 classes ar_cross_dissimilarities and ar_similarities.

See Also

stats::dist(), proxy::dist()

Other proximity classes and functions: affinity(), dissimilarity(), predict()