## get unique transactions, count frequency of unique transactions
## and plot frequency of unique transactions
vals <- unique(Adult)
cnts <- tabulate(match(Adult, vals))
plot(sort(cnts, decreasing = TRUE))
## find all transactions which are equal to transaction 10 in Adult
which(Adult %in% Adult[10])
## for transactions we can also match directly with itemLabels.
## Find in the first 10 transactions the ones which
## contain age=Middle-aged (see help page for class itemMatrix)
Adult[1:10] %in% "age=Middle-aged"
## find all transactions which contain items that partially match "age=" (all here).
Adult[1:10] %pin% "age="
## find all transactions that only include the item "age=Middle-aged" (none here).
Adult[1:10] %oin% "age=Middle-aged"
## find al transaction which contain both items "age=Middle-aged" and "sex=Male"
Adult[1:10] %ain% c("age=Middle-aged", "sex=Male")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab