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arulesCBA (version 1.2.0)

mineCARs: Mine Class Association Rules


Class Association Rules (CARs) are association rules that have only items with class values in the RHS as introduced for the CBA algorithm by Liu et al., 1998.


mineCARs(formula, transactions, parameter = NULL, control = NULL,
         balanceSupport = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)



A symbolic description of the model to be fitted.


An object of class transactions containing the training data.

parameter, control

Optional parameter and control lists for the apriori algorithm.


logical; if TRUE, class imbalance is counteracted by using class specific minimum support values. Alternatively, a support value for each class can be specified (see Details section).


logical; report progress?


For convenience, the mining parameters for apriori can be specified as .... Examples are the support and confidence thresholds, and the maxlen of rules.


Returns an object of class rules.


Class association rules (CARs) are of the form

$$P \Rightarrow c_i,$$

where the LHS \(P\) is a pattern (i.e., an itemset) and \(c_i\) is a single items representing the class label.

Mining parameters. Mining parameters for apriori can be either specified as a list (or object of APparameter) as argument parameter or, for convenience, as arguments in .... Note: mineCARs uses by default a support of 0.1, a confidence of 0.5 and a maxlen (rule length including items in the LHS and RHS) of 5.

Balancing minimum support. Using a single minimum support threshold for a highly class imbalanced dataset will lead to the problem, that minority classes will only be presented in very few rules. To address this issue, balanceSupport = TRUE can be used to adjust minimum support for each class dependent on the prevalence of the class (i.e., the frequency of the \(c_i\) in the transactions) similar to the minimum class support suggested for CBA by Liu et al (2000) we use

$$minsupp_i = minsupp_t \frac{supp(c_i)}{max(supp(C))},$$

where \(max(supp(C))\) is the support of the majority class. Therefore, the defined minimum support is used for the majority class and then minimum support is scaled down for classes which are less prevalent, giving them a chance to also produce a reasonable amount of rules. In addition, a named numerical vector with a support values for each class can be specified.


Liu, B. Hsu, W. and Ma, Y (1998). Integrating Classification and Association Rule Mining. KDD'98 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, New York, 27-31 August. AAAI. pp. 80-86.

Liu B., Ma Y., Wong C.K. (2000) Improving an Association Rule Based Classifier. In: Zighed D.A., Komorowski J., Zytkow J. (eds) Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. PKDD 2000. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1910. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

See Also

apriori, APparameter, rules, transactions.


Run this code

# discretize and convert to transactions
iris.disc <- discretizeDF.supervised(Species ~ ., iris)
iris.trans <- as(iris.disc, "transactions")

# mine CARs with items for "Species" in the RHS.
# Note: mineCars uses a default confidence of .5 and maxlen of 5
cars <- mineCARs(Species ~ ., iris.trans)

# specify minimum support and confidence
cars <- mineCARs(Species ~ ., iris.trans,
  parameter = list(support = 0.3, confidence = 0.9, maxlen = 3))

# for conveniance this can also be written without a list for parameter using ...
cars <- mineCARs(Species ~ ., iris.trans, support = 0.3, confidence = 0.9, maxlen = 3)

# restrict the predictors to items starting with "Sepal"
cars <- mineCARs(Species ~ Sepal, iris.trans)

# using different support for each class
cars <- mineCARs(Species ~ ., iris.trans, balanceSupport = c(
  "Species=setosa" = 0.1,
  "Species=versicolor" = 0.5,
  "Species=virginica" = 0.01), confidence = 0.9)

# balance support for class imbalance
Lymphography_trans <- as(Lymphography, "transactions")

classFrequency(class ~ ., Lymphography_trans)

# mining does not produce CARs for the minority classes
cars <- mineCARs(class ~ ., Lymphography_trans, support = .3, maxlen = 3)
classFrequency(class ~ ., cars, type = "absolute")

# Balance support by reducing the minimum support for minority classes
cars <- mineCARs(class ~ ., Lymphography_trans, support = .3, maxlen = 3,
  balanceSupport = TRUE)
classFrequency(class ~ ., cars, type = "absolute")
# }

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