in library vegan
directly tests the hypothesis of identical multivariate disributions using a permutation procedure, PC-ORD approximates the distribution of using a Pearson type III distribution which accommodates the fact that the permutation distribution is often significantly skewed (McCune and Grace 2002). The Pearson type III distribution is similar to the binomial distribution when p $\neq$ q (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972).Mrpp(dat, grouping, permutations = 1000, distance = "euclidean",
weight.type = 1, strata)
is used to calculate dissimilarities.Mrpp
with following items:weight.type = 3
and NA
with other weights.weight.type
provides additional output to mrpp
including a T statistic and a Pearson's type III p-value. The Pearson Type III distribution has three parameters: a mean, standard deviation , and a shape parameter , based on the skewness of the empirical distribution. These are estimated, and p-values are calculated in the wrapper function Mrpp
using functions from the library lmomco
(Asquith 2008). See documentation from mrpp
for additional information.library(vegan)
Mrpp(dune, dune.env$Management)
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