from package rankindex.new(grad, veg, indices = c("matching", "rogers", "jaccard.pa",
"sorenson", "kulkczynski.pa", "ochiai", "gower", "steinhaus", "kulkczynski.q",
"jaccard.q", "euclidean", "rel.euclidean", "manhattan", "czekanowski",
"whittaker", "canberra", "chi.metric", "chi.dist", "morisita", "morisita.horn",
"minkowski", "mountford", "raup.crick", "binomial", "chao"), stepacross = FALSE,
method = "pearson", ...)
c("matching", "rogers", "jaccard.pa",
"sorenson", "kulkczynski.pa", "ochiai", "gower", "steinhaus",
"kulkczynski.q", "jaccard.q", "euclidean", "rel.euclidean",
"manhattan", "czekanowski", "whittaker", "ca
"pearson", "kendall"
, or "spearman"
from vegan
has a function called rankindex which ranks dissimilarity or
distances used for finding community distances or dissimilarities by how well
these indices agree with gradient differences. The gradient separation between
each point is expressed as Euclidean distance for continuous variables and as
Gower's metric for mixed data (i.e. when at least some environmental variables
are categorical or ordinal). In the later case the library rankindex.new
is a wrapper for rankindex
and uses Oksanen's
method to compare the efficacy of 25 of the 26 indices generated by get.dist
Mahalanobis distance is left out, since it does not create a distance matrix
per se, but a simultaneous comparison of each site to all other sites.get.dist
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