The Lotka-Volterra competition and exploitation models require simultaneous solutions for two differential equations. These are solved using the function rk4
from odesolve
The interspecific competition model is based on:
where \(N_1\) is the number of individuals from species one, \(K_1\) is the carrying capacity for species one, \(r_{max1}\) is the maximum intrinsic rate of increase of species one, and \(\alpha_{12}\) is the interspecific competitive effect of species two on species one.
The exploitation model is based on:
$$\frac{dN_h}{dt} = r_hN_h-pN_hN_p,$$
$$\frac{dN_p}{dt} = cpN_hN_p-d_pN_p,$$
where \(N_h\) is the number of individuals from the host (prey) species, \(N_p\) is the number of individuals from the predator species, \(r_h\) is the intrinsic rate of increase for the host (prey) species, \(p\) is the rate of predation, \(c\) is a conversion factor which describes the rate at which prey are converted to new predators, and \(d_p\) is the death rate of the predators.
The term \(r_hN_h\) describes exponential growth for the host (prey) species. This will be opposed by deaths due to predation, i.e. the term \(pN_hN_p\). The term \(cpN_hN_p\) is the rate at which predators destroy prey. This in turn will be opposed by \(d_pN_p\), i.e. predator deaths. . The functions anm.LVe.tck()
and anm.LVc.tck()
allow one to run anm.LVe()
and anm.LVc()
with tcltk GUIs.