The function uses functions from lattice and mvtnorm to make wireframe plots of bivariate normal distributions. Remember that the covariance must be less than the product of the marginal standard deviations (square roots of the diagonal elements).
bvn.plot(mu = c(0, 0), cv = 0, vr = c(1, 1), res = 0.3, xlab = expression(y[1]),
ylab = expression(y[2]), zlab = expression(paste("f(", y[1], ",", y[2], ")")), ...)
A vector containing the joint distribution means.
A number, indicating the covariance of the two variables.
The diagonal elements in the variance covariance matrix.
Plot resolution. Smaller values create a more detailed wireframe plot.
X-axis label.
Y-axis label.
Z-axis label.
Additional arguments from wireframe