Create a data.frame that defines cross-validation splits for a scenario,
and potentially store it in an ARFF file.
The mlr
package is used to generate the splits, see
and makeResampleInstance
createCVSplits(asscenario, reps = 1L, folds = 10L, file = NULL)
]. Splits as defined in the algorithm benchmark repository
specification text.
Has columns: “instance_id”, “fold”, “rep”.
Defines which instances go into the test set for each replication / fold during CV.
The training set are the remaining instances, in exactly the order as given by the data.frame
for the current repetition.
Algorithm selection scenario.
CV repetitions.
Default is 1.
CV folds.
Default is 10.
If not missing, where to save the returned splits as an ARFF file via write.arff
Default is no saving.