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astrochron (version 1.3)

getLaskar: Download Laskar et al. (2004, 2011a, 2011b) astronomical solutions


Download Laskar et al. (2004, 2011a, 2011b) astronomical solutions.





A character string that specifies the astronomical solution to download: "la04","la10a","la10b","la10c","la10d","la11","insolation"


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la04 : three columns containing precession angle, obliquity, and eccentricity of Laskar et al. (2004)

la10a : one column containing the la10a eccentricity solution of Laskar et al. (2011a)

la10b : one column containing the la10b eccentricity solution of Laskar et al. (2011a)

la10c : one column containing the la10c eccentricity solution of Laskar et al. (2011a)

la10d : one column containing the la10d eccentricity solution of Laskar et al. (2011a)

la11 : one column containing the la11 eccentricity solution of Laskar et al. (2011b; please also cite 2011a)

insolation : one column containing insolation at 65 deg North (W/m^2) during summer solstice, from Laskar et al. (2004)


J. Laskar, P. Robutel, F. Joutel, M. Gastineau, A.C.M. Correia, and B. Levrard, B., 2004, A long term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth: Astron. Astrophys., Volume 428, 261-285.

Laskar, J., Fienga, A., Gastineau, M., Manche, H., 2011a, La2010: A new orbital solution for the long-term motion of the Earth: Astron. Astrophys., Volume 532, A89.

Laskar, J., Gastineau, M., Delisle, J.-B., Farres, A., Fienga, A.: 2011b, Strong chaos induced by close encounters with Ceres and Vesta, Astron: Astrophys., Volume 532, L4.