- dat
Your data frame containing stratigraphic data; any number of columns (variables) are permitted, but the first column should be a location identifier (e.g., depth, height, time).
- cols
A vector that identifies the variable column to be extracted (first column automatically extracted).
- win
Moving window size, in units of space or time.
- step
Moving window step size, in units of space or time.
- start
Starting point for analysis, in units of space or time.
- end
Ending point for analysis, in units of space or time.
- norm
Normalize density estimates to maximum value? (T or F). If false, density estimates are normalized to unit area.
- output
Output results? (T or F)
- palette
What color palette would you like to use? (1) rainbow, (2) grayscale, (3) blue, (4) red, (5) blue-white-red, (6) viridis
- ncolors
Number of colors to use in plot.
- genplot
Generate summary plots? (0=none, 1=all time series, 2=kernel density estimates for each window, 3=kernel density estimates with median, 4=kernel density estimates with mean)
- verbose
Verbose output? (T or F)