Prewhiten stratigraphic series using autoregressive-1 (AR1) filter. Rho can be estimated using the 'standard' approach, or following a bias correction.
Stratigraphic series for prewhitening. First column should be location (e.g., depth), second column should be data value for prewhitening. Series must have uniform sampling interval.
Specified lag-1 correlation coefficient (rho). By default, rho is calculated.
Calculate unbiased estimate of rho, as in Mudelsee (2010, eq. 2.45). (T or F)
Generate summary plots? (T or F)
Verbose output? (T or F)
M. Mudelsee, 2010, Climate Time Series Analysis: Classical Statistical and Bootstrap Methods, 474 pp., Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
, bandpass
, demean
, detrend
, divTrend
, logT
, lowpass
, noKernel
, and prewhiteAR