Produces a normal QQ plot with a line of equality and a confidence band (by default) of the input data. This is basically a prettier version of qqnorm
from the stats
QQnorm(xdata, col = c(4, 6), ylab = "Sample Quantiles", xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles",
main = "Normal Q-Q Plot", ylim = NULL, ci = TRUE, = 99.995,
qqlwd = 1, ...)
the data. If a matrix, the data are collapsed.
vector of 2, first is point color, second is line color (default is blue-4 and magenta-6).
y-axis label (default is 'Sample Quantiles').
x-axis label (default is 'Theoretical Quantiles').
plot title (default is 'Normal Q-Q Plot')
limits on y-axis (default is the most beautiful limits ever).
logical; if TRUE (default) draws pointwise CIs as a band.
width of the CI in terms of percent (default is 99.995).
line width of the qqline (default is 1).
other graphical parameters sent to tsplot
D.S. Stoffer
If you want a graphic to check normality of your data in xdata
, just enter QQnorm(xdata)
and sit back and enjoy the beauty of this script (you may want to wear sunglasses).
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