## AR(2) with mean 50 [n = 500 is default]
y = sarima.sim(ar=c(1.5,-.75)) + 50
## ARIMA(0,1,1) with drift ['mean' refers to the innovations]
tsplot(sarima.sim(ma=-.8, d=1, mean=.1))
## SAR(1) example from text
set.seed(666) # not that 666
sAR = sarima.sim(sar=.9, S=12, n=36)
tsplot(sAR, type='c')
points(sAR, pch=Months, cex=1.1, font=4, col=1:4)
## SARIMA(0,1,1)x(0,1,1)_12 - B&J's favorite
tsplot(sarima.sim(d=1, ma=-.4, D=1, sma=-.6, S=12, n=120))
## infinite variance t-errors
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar=.9, rand.gen=function(n, ...) rt(n, df=2) ))
## use your own innovations
dog = rexp(150, rate=.5)*sign(runif(150,-1,1))
tsplot(sarima.sim(n=100, ar=.99, innov=dog, burnin=50))
## generate seasonal data but no P, D or Q - you will receive
## a message to make sure that you wanted to do this on purpose:
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar=c(1.5,-.75), n=144, S=12), ylab='doggy', xaxt='n')
mtext(seq(0,144,12), side=1, line=.5, at=0:12)
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