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astsa (version 2.2)

sunspotz: Biannual Sunspot Numbers


Biannual smoothed (12-month moving average) number of sunspots from June 1749 to December 1978; n = 459. The "z" on the end is to distinguish this series from the one included with R (called sunspots).



The format is: Time Series: Start = c(1749, 1) End = c(1978, 1) Frequency = 2


You can find demonstrations of astsa capabilities at FUN WITH ASTSA.

The most recent version of the package can be found at https://github.com/nickpoison/astsa/.

In addition, the News and ChangeLog files are at https://github.com/nickpoison/astsa/blob/master/NEWS.md.

The webpages for the texts and some help on using R for time series analysis can be found at https://nickpoison.github.io/.