Learn R Programming

astsa (version 2.2)

tsplot: Time Series Plot


Produces a nice plot of univariate or multiple time series in one easy line.


tsplot(x, y=NULL, main=NULL, ylab=NULL, xlab='Time', type=NULL,  margins=.25, 
        ncolm=1, byrow=TRUE, nx=NULL, ny=nx, minor=TRUE, nxm=2, nym=1, 
        xm.grid=TRUE, ym.grid=TRUE, col=1, gg=FALSE, spaghetti=FALSE, pch=NULL, 
        lty=1, lwd=1, mgpp=0, topper=NULL, addLegend=FALSE, location='topright', 
        boxit=TRUE, horiz=FALSE, legend=NULL, llwd=NULL, scale=1, ...)


Produces a graphic and returns it invisibly so it can be saved in an R variable with the ability to replay it; see recordPlot.


x, y

time series to be plotted; if both present, x will be the time index.


add a plot title - the default is no title.


y-axis label - the default is the name of the ts object.


x-axis label - the default is 'Time'.


type of plot - the default is line.


inches to add (or subtract) to the margins. Input one value to apply to all margins or a vector of length 4 to add (or subtract) to the (bottom, left, top, right) margins.


for multiple time series, the number of columns to plot.


for multiple time series - if TRUE (default), plot series row wise; if FALSE, plot series column wise.

nx, ny

number of major cells of the grid in x and y direction. When NULL, as per default, the grid aligns with the tick marks on the corresponding default axis (i.e., tickmarks as computed by axTicks). When NA, no grid lines are drawn in the corresponding direction.

minor, nxm, nym

if minor=TRUE, the number of minor tick marks on x-axis, y-axis. minor=FALSE removes both or set either to 0 or 1 to remove. The default is one minor tick on the x-axis and none on the y-axis.

xm.grid, ym.grid

if TRUE (default), adds grid lines at minor x-axis, y-axis ticks.


line color(s), can be a vector for multiple time series.


if TRUE, will produce a gris-gris plot (gray graphic interior with white grid lines); the default is FALSE. The grammar of astsa is voodoo; see


if TRUE, will produce a spaghetti plot (all series on same plot).


plot symbols (default is 1, circle); can be a vector for multiple plots.


line type (default is 1, solid line); can be a vector for multiple plots.


line width (default is 1); can be a vector for multiple plots.


this is used to adjust (add to) the mgp graphics parameters settings (?par), which are c(1.6,.6,0) here; the R default is c(3,1,0). This will be helpful in moving an axis label farther from the axis if necessary.


non-negative value to add to the top outer margin; if NULL (default) a suitable value is chosen


if TRUE and spaghetti=TRUE, will add a simple legend. If more details are needed, leave this set to FALSE (the default) and use legend directly.


if addLegend=TRUE, the location of the legend with options "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright" (the default), "right" and "center".


if TRUE (default), the legend is in a box; if FALSE, no box is drawn.


if addLegend=TRUE, should the legend be horizontal (default is FALSE - vertical).


if NULL (default), the legend uses names of each time series; otherwise, use to customize legend.


line width for the legend if different from the plotted lines.


for multiple series, the scale for character expansion (cex = .9*scale).


other graphical parameters; see par.


D.S. Stoffer


You can find demonstrations of astsa capabilities at FUN WITH ASTSA.

The most recent version of the package can be found at https://github.com/nickpoison/astsa/.

In addition, the News and ChangeLog files are at https://github.com/nickpoison/astsa/blob/master/NEWS.md.

The webpages for the texts and some help on using R for time series analysis can be found at https://nickpoison.github.io/.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

# minimal
# prettified
tsplot(soi, col=4, main="Southern Oscillation Index")

# gris-gris multiple plot 
tsplot(climhyd, ncolm=2, gg=TRUE, col=2:7, lwd=2)  

# spaghetti (and store it in an object - ?recordPlot for details)
x <- replicate(100, cumsum(rcauchy(1000))/1:1000)
u <- tsplot(x, col=1:8, main='No LLN For You', spaghetti=TRUE)
u   #  plot on demand

# quick legend with spaghetti
tsplot(cbind(Mortality=cmort, Pollution=part), col=5:6, gg=TRUE, spaghetti=TRUE, addLegend=TRUE)
# ... and a little more control
tsplot(cbind(gtemp_land, gtemp_ocean), spaghetti=TRUE, lwd=2, col=astsa.col(c(4,2),.7), 
  ylab="\u00B0C", main="Global Temperature Anomalies", addLegend=TRUE, location='topleft', 
  horiz=TRUE, legend=c("Land Surface","Sea Surface"))

# compare these
tsplot(1:453, soi, ylab='SOI', xlab='Month')
# now recklessly add to the margins and add to mgp to get to the default
tsplot(1:453, soi, ylab='SOI', xlab='Month', margins=c(2,3,4,5), las=1, mgpp=c(1.4,.4,0))

# cex (and scale)
par(mfrow=c(3,1))  # cex gets small with mf plots 
  tsplot(cmort); tsplot(tempr); tsplot(part)
par(mfrow=c(3,1), cex=.9)  # so fix it 
  tsplot(cmort); tsplot(tempr); tsplot(part)

# it's rescaled here for your pleasure
tsplot(cbind(big=rnorm(100), bad=rnorm(100), john=rnorm(100)))  # default scale=1
tsplot(cbind(big=rnorm(100), bad=rnorm(100), john=rnorm(100)), scale=1.5)  # big

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab