if (FALSE) {
## load and prepare data
data("winddata", package="bReeze")
set1 <- set(height=40, v.avg=winddata[,2], v.std=winddata[,5],
set2 <- set(height=30, v.avg=winddata[,6], v.std=winddata[,9],
ts <- timestamp(timestamp=winddata[,1])
neubuerg <- mast(timestamp=ts, set1, set2)
neubuerg <- clean(mast=neubuerg)
## calculate uncertainty
# calculate AEP
nb.wp <- profile(mast=neubuerg, v.set=c(1,2), dir.set=1,
pw.56 <- pc("PowerWind_56_900kW.wtg")
nb.aep <- aep(profile=nb.wp, pc=pw.56, hub.h=71, print=FALSE)
# calculate uncertainty
uncertainty(nb.aep, uc.values=c(5,10,5,5),
uc.names=c("Wind Measurement Mast", "Long Term Correlation",
"Flow Model", "Power Curve"))
# unnamed uncertainty components
uncertainty(nb.aep, uc.values=c(5,10,5,5),
# new name for combined uncertainty
uncertainty(nb.aep, uc.values=c(5,10,5,5),
uc.names=c("Wind Measurement Mast", "Long Term Correlation",
"Flow Model", "Power Curve", "Total Uncertainty"))
# changed probability values
uncertainty(nb.aep, uc.values=c(5,10,5,5),
uc.names=c("Wind Measurement Mast", "Long Term Correlation",
"Flow Model", "Power Curve"), prob=seq(50,90,10))
# change number of digits and hide results
neubuerg.uc <- uncertainty(nb.aep, uc.values=c(5,10,5,5),
uc.names=c("Wind Measurement Mast", "Long Term Correlation",
"Flow Model", "Power Curve"), digits=c(1,2), print=FALSE)
## plot uncertainty objects - probability of exceedance plot
plot(neubuerg.uc) # default
plot(neubuerg.uc, p.values=c(50, 95)) # change highlighted P-values
# change colours, line types, line width and text size
plot(neubuerg.uc, col="blue", lty=c(1, 2, 3, 4), lwd=2, cex=1.2)
# freaky
plot(neubuerg.uc, bty="l", bty.leg="o", cex.axis=2,
cex.lab=0.5, cex.leg=0.8, col=c(5, 10, 15, 20), col.axis="sienna",
col.box="purple", col.lab="plum", col.leg="orchid", col.ticks="gold",
las=0, lty=c(8, 7, 6, 5), lwd=c(5, 3, 1, 0.5), mar=c(6, 5, 4, 3),
mgp=c(4, 2, 1), pos.leg="bottomleft", xlim=c(0.1, 0.9), ylim=c(1000, 2000),
x.intersp=2, y.intersp=1.5)
## plot uncertainty objects - uncertainty overview plot
plot(neubuerg.uc, type="uncert") # default
# change colours and border
plot(neubuerg.uc, type="uncert", col="red", border="red4")
plot(neubuerg.uc, type="uncert", col=c(gray(0.7), gray(0.5)),
border=c(gray(0.6), gray(0.4)))
plot(neubuerg.uc, type="uncert", col=c(5:1), border=c(1:5))
# change text size, space and margin
plot(neubuerg.uc, type="uncert", cex=1.5, space=0.1, mar=c(1, 13, 1, 1))
# freaky
plot(neubuerg.uc, type="uncert", border=c(11, 22, 33, 44, 55), cex.axis=0.7,
cex.text=2, col=c("maroon", "navy", "thistle", "rosybrown", "papayawhip"),
col.axis="pink3", col.text="seagreen", mar=c(3, 8, 2, 1), mgp=c(0, 1, 2), space=1)
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