bartMachine (version

cov_importance_test: Importance Test for Covariate(s) of Interest


This function tests the null hypothesis \(H_0\): These covariates of interest do not affect the response under the assumptions of the BART model.


cov_importance_test(bart_machine, covariates = NULL, 
num_permutation_samples = 100, plot = TRUE)



A vector which records the error metric of the BART models with the covariates permuted (see details).


For regression, this is the Pseudo-Rsq on the original training data set. For classification, this is the observed total misclassification error on the original training data set.


The approximate p-value for this test (see details).



An object of class ``bart_machine''.


A vector of names of covariates of interest to be tested for having an effect on the response. A value of NULL indicates an omnibus test for all covariates having an effect on the response. If the name of a covariate is a factor, the entire factor will be permuted. We do not recommend entering the names of factor covariate dummies.


The number of times to permute the covariates of interest and create a corresponding new BART model (see details).


If TRUE, this produces a histogram of the Pseudo-Rsq's / total misclassifcation error rates from the num_permutations BART models created with the covariates permuted. The plot also illustrates the observed Pseudo-Rsq's / total misclassifcation error rate from the original training data and indicates the test's p-value.


Adam Kapelner and Justin Bleich


To test the importance of a covariate or a set of covariates of interest on the response, this function generates num_permutations BART models with the covariate(s) of interest permuted (differently each time). On each run, a measure of fit is recorded. For regression, the metric is Pseudo-Rsq; for classification, it is total misclassification error.
A p-value can then be generated as follows. For regression, the p-value is the number of permutation-sampled Pseudo-Rsq's greater than the observed Pseudo-Rsq divided by num_permutations + 1. For classification, the p-value is the number of permutation-sampled total misclassification errors less than the observed total misclassification error divided by num_permutations + 1.


Adam Kapelner, Justin Bleich (2016). bartMachine: Machine Learning with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. Journal of Statistical Software, 70(4), 1-40. doi:10.18637/jss.v070.i04


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
##regression example

##generate Friedman data
n  = 200 
p = 5
X = data.frame(matrix(runif(n * p), ncol = p))
y = 10 * sin(pi* X[ ,1] * X[,2]) +20 * (X[,3] -.5)^2 + 10 * X[ ,4] + 5 * X[,5] + rnorm(n)

##build BART regression model
bart_machine = bartMachine(X, y)

##now test if X[, 1] affects Y nonparametrically under the BART model assumptions
cov_importance_test(bart_machine, covariates = c(1))
## note the plot and the printed p-value


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