toString: Convert an R Object to a Character String
This is a helper function for format to produce a single
character string describing an R object.
toString(x, ...)
"toString"(x, width = NULL, ...)
The object to be converted.
Suggestion for the maximum field width. Values of
NULL or 0 indicate no maximum.
The minimum value accepted is 6 and smaller values are taken as 6.
Optional arguments passed to or from methods.
A character vector of length 1 is returned.
This is a generic function for which methods can be written: only the
default method is described here. Most methods should honor the
width argument to specify the maximum display width (as measured
by nchar(type = "width") of the result.
The default method first converts x to character and then
concatenates the elements separated by ", ".
If width is supplied and is not NULL, the default method
returns the first width - 4 characters of the result with
.... appended, if the full result would use more than
width characters.