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baseballr (version 0.8.6)

scrape_savant_leaderboards: Query BaseballSavant Leaderboards from http://baseballsavant.mlb.com


This function allows you to read leaderboard data from BaseballSavant dirctly into R as #` a data.frame.


  leaderboard = "exit_velocity_barrels",
  year = 2018,
  abs = 50,
  min_pa = "q",
  min_pitches = 100,
  min_field = "q",
  min_run = 0,
  player_type = "batter",
  fielding_type = "player",
  oaa_position = "",
  oaa_roles = "",
  team = "",
  arsenal_type = "n_",
  run_type = "raw",
  min2b = 5,
  min3b = 0,
  position = "",
  bats = "",
  hand = ""

oaa_roles argument

30 = 1B - Straight Up 31 = 1B - Towards 1B/2B Hole 32 = 1B - Close to Line 40 = 2B - Straight Up 41 = 2B - Shaded Towards 2B Bag 42 = 2B - Towards 1B/2B Hole 43 = 2B - Behind First Basemen 46 = 2B - Up the Middle 60 = SS - Straight Up 61 = SS - Towards 3B/SS Hole 62 = SS - Shaded Towards 2B Bag 64 = SS - Up the Middle 50 = 3B - Straight Up 51 = 3B - Close to Line 52 = 3B - Towards 3B/SS Hole 77 = LF - Close to Line 71 = LF - Leaning Left 70 = LF - Straight Up 72 = LF - Leaning Right 78 = LF - LF Gap 87 = CF - LF Gap 81 = CF - Leaning Left 82 = CF - Leaning Right 89 = CF - RF Gap 98 = RF - RF Gap 91 = RF - Leaning Left 90 = RF - Straight Up 92 = RF - Leaning Right 99 = RF - Close to Line


Run this code
scrape_savant_leaderboards(leaderboard = "exit_velocity_barrels", year = 2018)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab