This function allows you to read leaderboard data from BaseballSavant directly into R as data frame.
leaderboard = "exit_velocity_barrels",
year = 2018,
abs = 50,
min_pa = "q",
min_pitches = 100,
min_field = "q",
min_run = 0,
player_type = "batter",
fielding_type = "player",
oaa_position = "",
oaa_roles = "",
team = "",
arsenal_type = "n_",
run_type = "raw",
min2b = 5,
min3b = 0,
position = "",
bats = "",
hand = ""
Returns a tibble of Statcast leaderboard data with the following columns (for leaderboard: 'exit_velocity_barrels'):
col_name | types |
year | numeric |
last_name | character |
first_name | character |
player_id | integer |
attempts | integer |
avg_hit_angle | numeric |
anglesweetspotpercent | numeric |
max_hit_speed | numeric |
avg_hit_speed | numeric |
fbld | numeric |
gb | numeric |
max_distance | integer |
avg_distance | integer |
avg_hr_distance | integer |
ev95plus | integer |
ev95per-swing | numeric |
ev95percent | numeric |
barrels | integer |
brl_percent | numeric |
brl_pa | numeric |
The type of leaderboard to retrieve, input as a string. Current options include exit_velocity_barrels, expected_statistics, pitch_arsenal, outs_above_average, directional_oaa, catch_probability, pop_time, sprint_speed, and running_splits_90_ft.
The season for which you want data.
The minimum number of batted balls. Applies only to exit_velocity_barrels leaderboards.
Minimum number of plate appearances. Can be a number or 'q' for qualified batters.
Minimum number of pitches thrown.
Minimum number of fieding opportunities.
Minimum number of running opportunities.
One of either 'batter' or pitcher. For the expected_statistics leaderboard, 'batter-team' and 'pitcher-team' are also available.
One of either 'player' or 'team'.
Can be either the number position of a player or 'if' or 'of' for position categories.
Can be either the number position of a player or 'if' or 'of' for position categories.
An abbreviation for a team. Can be left blank.
One of either 'n_', 'avg_spin', or 'avg_speed'.
One of either 'percent' or 'raw'.
The minimum number of throwing attempts to second base.
The minimum number of throwing attempts to third base.
The numeric position of the player. For DH use 10. Can be left blank.
The handedness of the batter. One of 'R' or 'L'. Can be left blank.
The handedness of the pitcher. One of 'R' or 'L'. Can be left blank.
oaa_roles argument: 30 = 1B - Straight Up 31 = 1B - Towards 1B/2B Hole 32 = 1B - Close to Line 40 = 2B - Straight Up 41 = 2B - Shaded Towards 2B Bag 42 = 2B - Towards 1B/2B Hole 43 = 2B - Behind First Basemen 46 = 2B - Up the Middle 60 = SS - Straight Up 61 = SS - Towards 3B/SS Hole 62 = SS - Shaded Towards 2B Bag 64 = SS - Up the Middle 50 = 3B - Straight Up 51 = 3B - Close to Line 52 = 3B - Towards 3B/SS Hole 77 = LF - Close to Line 71 = LF - Leaning Left 70 = LF - Straight Up 72 = LF - Leaning Right 78 = LF - LF Gap 87 = CF - LF Gap 81 = CF - Leaning Left 82 = CF - Leaning Right 89 = CF - RF Gap 98 = RF - RF Gap 91 = RF - Leaning Left 90 = RF - Straight Up 92 = RF - Leaning Right 99 = RF - Close to Line
# \donttest{
try(statcast_leaderboards(leaderboard = "exit_velocity_barrels", year = 2018))
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab