### set-up basis
bb <- Bernstein_basis(numeric_var("x", support = c(0, pi)),
order = 3, ui = "increasing")
### generate data + coefficients
x <- as.data.frame(mkgrid(bb, n = 100))
cf <- c(1, 2, 2.5, 2.6)
### evaluate basis (in two equivalent ways)
bb(x[1:10,,drop = FALSE])
model.matrix(bb, data = x[1:10, ,drop = FALSE])
### check constraints
cnstr <- attr(bb(x[1:10,,drop = FALSE]), "constraint")
all(cnstr$ui %*% cf > cnstr$ci)
### evaluate and plot Bernstein polynomial defined by
### basis and coefficients
plot(x$x, predict(bb, newdata = x, coef = cf), type = "l")
### evaluate and plot first derivative of
### Bernstein polynomial defined by basis and coefficients
plot(x$x, predict(bb, newdata = x, coef = cf, deriv = c(x = 1)),
type = "l")
### illustrate constrainted estimation by toy example
N <- 100
order <- 10
x <- seq(from = 0, to = pi, length.out = N)
y <- rnorm(N, mean = -sin(x) + .5, sd = .5)
if (require("quadprog")) {
prnt_est <- function(ui) {
xv <- numeric_var("x", support = c(0, pi))
xb <- Bernstein_basis(xv, order = 10, ui = ui)
X <- model.matrix(xb, data = data.frame(x = x))
uiM <- as(attr(X, "constraint")$ui, "matrix")
ci <- attr(X, "constraint")$ci
if (all(is.finite(ci)))
parm <- solve.QP(crossprod(X), crossprod(X, y),
t(uiM), ci)$solution
parm <- coef(lm(y ~ 0 + X))
plot(x, y, main = ui)
lines(x, X %*% parm, col = col[ui], lwd = 2)
ui <- eval(formals(Bernstein_basis)$ui)
col <- 1:length(ui)
names(col) <- ui
ncol = ceiling(sqrt(length(ui)))))
tmp <- sapply(ui, function(x) try(prnt_est(x)))
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