- end.year
End year of the projection.
- start.year
First year of the historical data on mortality rates. It determines the length of the historical time series used in the Lee-Carter estimation.
- present.year
Year for which initial population data is to be used.
- wpp.year
Year for which WPP data is used. The function loads a package called wpp\(x\) where \(x\) is the wpp.year
and uses its data (corresponding to the default.country
) as default datasets if region-specific alternatives are not given (see more details below).
- output.dir
Output directory of the projection.
- locations
Name of a tab-delimited file that contains definitions of the subregions. It has a similar structure as UNlocations
, with mandatory columns reg_code
(unique identifier of the subregions) and name
(name of the subregions). Optionally, location_type
should be set to 4 for subregions to be processed. Column country_code
can be included with the numerical code of the corresponding country. A row with location_type
of 0 determines the country that the subregions belong to and is used for extracting default "national" datasets if the argument default.country
is missing. In such a case, the code of the default country is taken from its column country_code
. This is a mandatory argument.
- default.country
Numerical code of a country to which the subregions belong to. It is used for extracting default datasets from the wpp package if some region-specific input datasets are missing. Alternatively, it can be also included in the locations
file, see above. In either case, the code must exists in the UNlocations
- annual
Logical. If TRUE
it is assumed that this is 1x1 simulation, i.e. one year age groups and one year time periods.
- inputs
A list of file names where input data is stored. Unless otherwise noted, these are tab delimited ASCII files with a mandatory column reg_code
giving the numerical identifier of the subregions. If an element of this list is NULL
, usually a default dataset corresponding to default.country
is extracted from the wpp package. Names of these default datasets are shown in brackets. This list contains the following elements:
- popM, popF
Initial male/female age-specific population (at time present.year
). Mandatory items, no defaults. Must contain columns reg_code
and age
and be of the same structure as popM
from wpp.
- mxM, mxF
Historical data and (optionally) projections of male/female age-specific death rates [mxM
, mxF
] (see also argument fixed.mx
- srb
Projection of sex ratio at birth. [sexRatio
- pasfr
Historical data and (optionally) projections of percentage age-specific fertility rate [percentASFR
] (see also argument fixed.pasfr
- patterns
Information on region's specifics regarding migration type, base year of the migration, mortality and fertility age patterns as defined in [vwBaseYear
]. In addition, it can contain columns defining migration shares between the subregions, see Details below.
- migM, migF, migMt, migFt, mig
Projection and (optionally) historical data of net migration on the same scale as the initital population. There are three ways of defining this quantity, here in order of priority: 1. via migM
and migF
which should give male and female age-specific migration [migrationM
, migrationF
]; 2. via migMt
and migFt
which should give male and female total net migration; 3. via mig
which should give the total net migration. For 2. and 3., the totals are disagregated into age-specific migration by applying a Rogers-Castro schedule. For 3., the totals are equally split between sexes. If all of these input items are missing, the migration schedules are constructed from total migration counts of the default.country
derived from migration
using Rogers Castro for age distribution. Migration shares between subregions (including sex-specific shares) can be given in the patterns
file, see above and Details below. If no shares are given, it is distributed by population shares.
- mig.fdm
If mig.age.method
is “fdmp” or “fdmnop”, this file is used to disaggregate total in- and out-migration into ages, giving proportions of the migration in-flow and out-flow for each age. It should have columns “reg_code”, “age”, “in” and “out”, where the latter two should each sum to 1 for each location. By default Rogers-Castro curves are used, obtained via the function rcastro.schedule
- e0F.file
Comma-delimited CSV file with projected female life expectancy. It has the same structure as the file “ascii_trajectories.csv” generated using bayesLife::convert.e0.trajectories
(which currently works for country-level results only). Required columns are “LocID”, “Year”, “Trajectory”, and “e0”. If e0F.file
, data from the corresponding wpp package (for default.country
) is taken, namely the median projections as one trajectory and the low and high variants (if available) as second and third trajectory. Alternatively, this element can be the keyword “median_” in which case only the median is taken.
- e0M.file
Comma-delimited CSV file containing projections of male life expectancy of the same format as e0F.file
. As in the female case, if e0M.file
, data for default.country
from the corresponding wpp package is taken.
- tfr.file
Comma-delimited CSV file with results of total fertility rate (generated using bayesTFR, function convert.tfr.trajectories
, file “ascii_trajectories.csv”). Required columns are “LocID”, “Year”, “Trajectory”, and “TF”. If this element is not NULL
, the argument tfr.sim.dir
is ignored. If both tfr.file
and tfr.sim.dir
are NULL
, data for default.country
from the corresponding wpp package is taken (median and the low and high variants as three trajectories). Alternatively, this argument can be the keyword “median_” in which case only the wpp median is taken.
- e0F.sim.dir
Simulation directory with results of female life expectancy, generated using bayesLife::e0.predict.subnat
. It is only used if e0F.file
. Alternatively, it can be set to the keyword “median_” which has the same effect as when e0F.file
is “median_”.
- e0M.sim.dir
This is analogous to e0F.sim.dir
, here for male life expectancy. Use e0M.file
instead of this item.
- tfr.sim.dir
Simulation directory with projections of total fertility rate (generated using bayesTFR::tfr.predict.subnat
). It is only used if tfr.file
- migMtraj, migFtraj, migtraj
Comma-delimited CSV file with male/female age-specific migration trajectories, or total migration trajectories (migtraj
). If present, it replaces deterministic projections given by the mig*
items. It has a similar format as e.g. e0M.file
with columns “LocID”, “Year”, “Trajectory”, “Age” (except for migtraj
) and “Migration”. For a five-year simulation, the “Age” column must have values “0-4”, “5-9”, “10-14”, ..., “95-99”, “100+”. In an annual simulation, age is given by a single number between 0 and 100.
- migFDMtraj
Comma-delimited CSV file with trajectories of in- and out-migration schedules used for the FDM migration method, i.e. if mig.age.method
is “fdmp” or “fdmnop”. The values have te same meaning as in the mig.fdm
input item, except that here multiple trajectories of such schedules can be provided. It should have columns “LocID”, “Age”, “Trajectory”, “Value”, and “Parameter”. For “Age”, the same rules apply as for migMtraj
above. The “Parameter” column should have values “in” for in-migration, “out” for out-migration and “v” for values of the variance denominator \(v\) used in Equation 22 of Sevcikova et al (2024). For the \(v\) parameter, the “Age” column should be left empty.
- GQpopM, GQpopF
Age-specific population counts (male and female) that should be excluded from application of the cohort-component method (CCM). It can be used for defining group quarters. These counts are removed from population before the CCM projection and added back afterwards. It is not used when computing vital events on observed data. The datasets should have columns “reg_code”, “age” and “gq”. In such a case the “gq” amount is applied to all years. If it is desired to destinguish the amount that is added back for individual years, the “gq” column should be replaced by columns indicating the individual years, i.e. single years for an annual simulation and time periods (e.g. “2020-2025”, “2025-2030”) for a 5-year simulation. For a five-year simulation, the “age” column should include values “0-4”, “5-9”, “10-14”, ..., “95-99”, “100+”. However, rows with zeros do not need to be included. In an annual simulation, age is given by a single number between 0 and 100.
- average.annual
Character string with values “TFR”, “e0M”, “e0F”. If this is a 5-year simulation, but the inputs of TFR or/and e0 comes from an annual simulation, including the corresponding string here will cause that the TFR or/and e0 trajectories are converted into 5-year averages.