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bayesPop (version 11.0-2)

pop.trajectories.plot: Output of Probabilistic Population Projection


The functions plot and tabulate the distribution of population projection for a given country, or for all countries, including the median and given probability intervals.


pop.trajectories.plot(pop.pred, country = NULL, expression = NULL, pi = c(80, 95), 
    sex = c("both", "male", "female"), age = "all", sum.over.ages = TRUE, 
    half.child.variant = FALSE, nr.traj = NULL, typical.trajectory = FALSE,
    main = NULL, dev.ncol = 5, lwd = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 1), 
    col = c("black", "red", "red", "blue", "#00000020"), show.legend = TRUE, 
    ann = par("ann"), xshift = 0, ...)
    output.dir=file.path(getwd(), "pop.trajectories"),
    output.type="png", expression = NULL, verbose=FALSE, ...)
pop.trajectories.table(pop.pred, country = NULL, expression = NULL, pi = c(80, 95), 
    sex = c("both", "male", "female"), age = "all", half.child.variant = FALSE,  
    xshift = 0, ...)
pop.byage.plot(pop.pred, country = NULL, year = NULL, expression = NULL, 
    pi = c(80, 95), sex = c("both", "male", "female"), 
    half.child.variant = FALSE, nr.traj = NULL, typical.trajectory=FALSE,
    xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "Population projection", 
    main = NULL, lwd = c(2,2,2,1), col = c("red", "red", "blue", "#00000020"),
    show.legend = TRUE, add = FALSE, ann = par("ann"), type = "l", pch = NA, 
    pt.cex = 1, ...)
    output.dir=file.path(getwd(), "pop.byage"),
    output.type="png", expression = NULL, verbose=FALSE, ...)

pop.byage.table(pop.pred, country = NULL, year = NULL, expression = NULL, pi = c(80, 95), sex = c("both", "male", "female"), half.child.variant = FALSE)



Object of class bayesPop.prediction.


Name or numerical code of a country. It can also be given as ISO-2 or ISO-3 characters.


Expression defining the population measure to be plotted. For syntax see pop.expressions. For pop.trajectories.plot, pop.trajectories.table, pop.byage.plot and pop.byage.table the basic components of the expression must be country-specific. For pop.trajectories.plotAll and pop.byage.plotAll the country part should be given as “XXX”. In addition, expressions passed into pop.byage.plot and pop.byage.table must contain curly braces (i.e. be age specific).


Probability interval. It can be a single number or an array.


One of “both” (default), “male” or “female”. By default the male and female projections are summed up.


Either a character string “all” (default) or an integer vector of age indices. In a five year simulation, value 1 corresponds to age 0-4, value 2 corresponds to age 5-9 etc. Last age goup \(130+\) corresponds to index 27. In an annual simulation, the age indices 1, 2, 3, ..., 131 corrrespond to ages 0, 1, 2, ..., \(130+\).


Logical. If TRUE, the values are summed up over given age groups. Otherwise there is a separate plot for each age group.


Logical. If TRUE the United Nations “+/-0.5 child” variant computed with fertility \(+/- 0.5*\) TFR median and the median of life expectancy is shown.


Number of trajectories to be plotted. If NULL, all trajectories are plotted, otherwise they are thinned evenly.


Logical. If TRUE one trajectory is shown that has the smallest distance to the median.

xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, main, ann, pt.cex

Graphical parameters passed to the plot function.


Constant added to the x-axis (year).


Number of column for the graphics device if sum.over.ages is FALSE. If the number of age groups is smaller than dev.ncol, the number of columns is automatically decreased.

lwd, col

For the first three functions it is a vector of five elements giving the line width and color for: 1. observed data, 2. median, 3. quantiles, 4. half-child variant, 5. trajectories. For functions that show results by age it is a vector of four elements - as above without the first item (observed data).

type, pch

Currently works for plotting by age only. It is a vector of four elements giving the plot type and point type for: 1. median, 2. quantiles, 3. half-child variant, 4. trajectories. The last element of the array is recycled.


Logical controlling whether the legend should be drawn.


Additional graphical arguments. Functions pop.trajectories.plotAll and pop.byage.plotAll accept also any arguments of pop.trajectories.plot and pop.byage.plot, respectively, except country.


Directory into which resulting graphs are stored.


Type of the resulting files. It can be “png”, “pdf”, “jpeg”, “bmp”, “tiff”, or “postscript”.


Logical switching log messages on and off.


Any year within the time period to be outputted.


Logical specifying if the plot should be added to an existing graphics.


Hana Sevcikova


pop.trajectories.plot plots trajectories of population projection by time for a given country.
pop.trajectories.table gives the same output as a table. pop.trajectories.plotAll creates a set of graphs (one per country) that are stored in output.dir. The projections can be visualized separately for each sex and age groups, or summed up over both sexes and/or given age groups. This is controlled by the arguments sex, age and sum.over.ages.

pop.byage.plot and pop.byage.table plots/tabulate the posterior distribution by age for a given country and time period. pop.byage.plotAll creates such plots for all countries.

The median and given probability intervals are computed using all available trajectories. Thus, nr.traj does not influence those values - it is used only to control the number of trajectories plotted.

If plotting results of an expression and the function fails, to debug obtain values of that expression using the functions get.pop.ex (for pop.trajectories.plot) and get.pop.exba (for pop.byage.plot).

See Also

bayesPop.prediction, summary.bayesPop.prediction, pop.pyramid, pop.expressions, get.pop


Run this code
sim.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesPop"), "ex-data", "Pop")
pred <- get.pop.prediction(sim.dir)
pop.trajectories.plot(pred, country="Ecuador", pi=c(80, 95))
pop.trajectories.table(pred, country="ECU", pi=c(80, 95))
# female population of Ecuador in child bearing ages (by time)
pop.trajectories.plot(pred, expression="PEC_F[4:10]") 
# Population by age in Netherands for two different years 
pop.byage.plot(pred, country="Netherlands", year=2050)
pop.byage.plot(pred, expression="PNL{}", year=2000)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab