Datasets giving information on the baseyear and type of migration for each country. The 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 and 2024 datasets also give information on country's specifics regarding mortality, fertility and migration age patterns.
A data frame containing the following variables:
Numerical Location Code (3-digit codes following ISO 3166-1 numeric standard) - see
Country name. Not used by the package.
UN internal code. Not used by the package.
The base year of migration.
Type of migration. Zero means migration is evenly distributed over each time interval. Code 9 means migration is captured at the end of each interval.
Dummy indicating if the country has generalized HIV/AIDS epidemics.
Type of mortality age pattern. Only relevant for countries with the entry “Model life tables”. In such a case, the \(b_x\) Lee-Carter parameter is not estimated from historical data. Instead is taken from the dataset MLTbx
using a pattern given in the AgeMortalityPattern
If AgeMortalityType
is equal to “Model life tables”, this value determines which \(b_x\) is selected from the MLTbx
dataset. It must sorrespond to one of the rownames of MLTbx
, e.g. “CD East”, “CD West”, “UN Latin American”.
Method for projecting age-specific mortality rates. It is one of “LC” (modified Lee-Carter, uses function mortcast
), “PMD” (pattern mortality decline, uses function copmd
), “modPMD” (modified pattern mortality decline, uses function copmd(... use.modpmd = TRUE)
), “MLT” (model life tables, uses function mlt
), “LogQuad” (log quadratic method, uses function logquad
), or “HIVmortmod” (HIV model life tables as implemented in the HIV.LifeTables package which can be installed from the PPgP/HIV.LifeTables GitHub repo).
If the mortality rates are to be projected via a blend of two methods (see mortcast.blend
), this column determines the second method. The options are the same as in the column AgeMortProjMethod1
If one of the AgeMortProjMethodX
colums contains the “MLT” method, this column determines the type of the life table (see the argument type
in the mlt
If the mortality rates are to be projected via a blend of two methods, this column determines the weights in the first and the last year of the projection, respectively. It should be given as an R vector, e.g. “c(1, 0.5)” (see the argument weights
in mortcast.blend
Code determining how the “PMD” method should be adjusted if it's used. 0 means no adjustment, 1 means the argument sexratio.adjust
in copmd
is set to TRUE
, and code 3 means that the argument
in copmd
is set to TRUE
, LatestAgeMortalityPattern1
Indicator \(n\) for how many latest time periods of historical mortality rates should be averaged to compute the \(a_x\) Lee-Carter and modPMD parameter. If \(n\) is zero, all time periods are used. If \(n\) is one, only the latest time period is used. If \(n\) is negative, the latest \(n\) time periods are excluded. This can have also a form of a vector where the first element is either a negative or a zero. If it is negative, the vector must have only two elements. In such a case, the first element (must be negative) determines how many latest time periods should be excluded, while the second element (must be positive) determines how many latest time periods to include after the exclusion. If the vector starts with a zero, the following numbers are interpreted as individual indices to the time periods starting from the latest time point. Here are a few examples, assuming the available mortality rates are on annual scale, from 1950 to 2023:
using all years from 1950 to 2023
using 2023, 2022, 2021
using 1950 - 2020
2023 and 2022 are excluded; using 2021, 2020, 2019
invalid specification - must have two elements if it starts with a negative
interpreted as an individual index; thus, using 2021 only
interpreted as individual indices; using 2023, 2021, 2020
If the LatestAgeMortalityPattern1
column is present, it should contain values related to an annual simulation (1x1) while the LatestAgeMortalityPattern
column relates to a 5x5 simulation.
If LatestAgeMortalityPattern
is not zero, this column indicates if the \(a_x\) should be smoothed.
, SmoothDFLatestAgeMortalityPattern1
Degree of freedom for smoothing \(a_x\). By default (value 0) a half of the number of age groups is taken. If the SmoothDFLatestAgeMortalityPattern1
column is present, it should contain values related to a 1x1 simulation while the SmoothDFLatestAgeMortalityPattern
column relates to a 5x5 simulation.
Type of norm for computing age-specific fertility pattern to which the country belongs to. Currently only “GlobalNorm” is used.
PasfrGlobalNorm, PasfrFarEastAsianNorm, PasfrSouthAsianNorm
Dummies indicating which country to include to compute the specific norms.
Available in the 2024 dataset. These are parameters of the Flow Difference Method to generate age-specific net migration patterns (Sevcikova et. al, 2024). They correspond to the intercept, slope, minimum flow rate, female sex ratio for the in-flow and out-flow, respectively.
There is one record for each country. See Sevcikova et al (2016) on how information from the various columns is used for projections.
H. Sevcikova, N. Li, V. Kantorova, P. Gerland and A. E. Raftery (2016). Age-Specific Mortality and Fertility Rates for Probabilistic Population Projections. In: Dynamic Demographic Analysis, ed. Schoen R. (Springer), pp. 285-310. Earlier version in arXiv:1503.05215.
H. Sevcikova, J. Raymer J., A. E. Raftery (2024). Forecasting Net Migration By Age: The Flow-Difference Approach. arXiv:2411.09878.
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