# Subnational example data
my.subtfr.file <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), 'extdata', 'subnational_tfr_template.txt')
subtfr <- read.delim(my.subtfr.file, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
countries <- unique(subtfr[, c("country_code", "country")])
# Directory with national projections (contains 30 trajectories for each country)
nat.dir <- file.path(find.package("bayesTFR"), "ex-data", "bayesTFR.output")
# Subnational projections for all three countries ()
subnat.dir <- tempfile()
tfr.predict.subnat(countries$country_code, my.tfr.file=my.subtfr.file,
sim.dir=nat.dir, output.dir=subnat.dir, start.year=2013)
# Retrieve results for all countries
preds <- get.regtfr.prediction(subnat.dir)
# View tables of subregions for each country
for(i in 1:nrow(countries)) {
cat("\n\n", countries$country[i], "\n")
# Quantiles for individual subregions
tfr.trajectories.table(preds[["218"]], "Bolivar")
# Retrieve results for one country
pred <- get.regtfr.prediction(subnat.dir, 218)
tfr.trajectories.plot(pred, "Loja")
# cleanup
# See more examples in ?tfr.predict.subnat
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