if(nchar(Sys.getenv("LONG_TEST")) != 0) {
## Simulate aggregate level data
simulData <- function(para, others, Hbatch) {
# Hbatch does the integration for computing market shares
# in batches of size Hbatch
## parameters
theta_bar <- para$theta_bar
Sigma <- para$Sigma
tau_sq <- para$tau_sq
T <- others$T
J <- others$J
p <- others$p
H <- others$H
K <- J + p
## build X
X <- matrix(runif(T*J*p), T*J, p)
inter <- NULL
for (t in 1:T) { inter <- rbind(inter, diag(J)) }
X <- cbind(inter, X)
## draw eta ~ N(0, tau_sq)
eta <- rnorm(T*J)*sqrt(tau_sq)
X <- cbind(X, eta)
share <- rep(0, J*T)
for (HH in 1:(H/Hbatch)){
## draw theta ~ N(theta_bar, Sigma)
cho <- chol(Sigma)
theta <- matrix(rnorm(K*Hbatch), nrow=K, ncol=Hbatch)
theta <- t(cho)%*%theta + theta_bar
## utility
V <- X%*%rbind(theta, 1)
expV <- exp(V)
expSum <- matrix(colSums(matrix(expV, J, T*Hbatch)), T, Hbatch)
expSum <- expSum %x% matrix(1, J, 1)
choiceProb <- expV / (1 + expSum)
share <- share + rowSums(choiceProb) / H
## the last K+1'th column is eta, which is unobservable.
X <- X[,c(1:K)]
return (list(X=X, share=share))
## true parameter
theta_bar_true <- c(-2, -3, -4, -5)
Sigma_true <- rbind(c(3,2,1.5,1), c(2,4,-1,1.5), c(1.5,-1,4,-0.5), c(1,1.5,-0.5,3))
cho <- chol(Sigma_true)
r_true <- c(log(diag(cho)), cho[1,2:4], cho[2,3:4], cho[3,4])
tau_sq_true <- 1
## simulate data
T <- 300
J <- 3
p <- 1
K <- 4
H <- 1000000
Hbatch <- 5000
dat <- simulData(para=list(theta_bar=theta_bar_true, Sigma=Sigma_true, tau_sq=tau_sq_true),
others=list(T=T, J=J, p=p, H=H), Hbatch)
X <- dat$X
share <- dat$share
## Mcmc run
R <- 2000
H <- 50
Data1 <- list(X=X, share=share, J=J)
Mcmc1 <- list(R=R, H=H, nprint=0)
out <- rbayesBLP(Data=Data1, Mcmc=Mcmc1)
## acceptance rate
## summary of draws
### plotting draws
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