Plot a phylogenetic tree with posterior probabilities from a bayouMCMC chain (function adapted from phytools' plotSimmap)
plotSimmap.mcmc(chain, burnin = NULL, lwd = 1, edge.type = c("regimes",
"theta", "none", "pp"), pal = rainbow, pp.cutoff = 0.3, circles = TRUE,
circle.cex.max = 3, circle.col = "red", circle.pch = 21,
circle.lwd = 0.75, circle.alpha = 100, pp.labels = FALSE, pp.col = 1,
pp.alpha = 255, pp.cex = 0.75, edge.color = 1,
parameter.sample = 1000, ...)
A bayouMCMC chain
The proportion of runs to be discarded, if NULL, then the value stored in the bayouMCMC chain's attributes is used
The width of the edges
Either "theta" (branches will be colored according to their median value of theta), "regimes" (clades will be assigned to distinct regimes if the posterior probability of a shift on that branch is > pp.cutoff), or "pp" (branches will be colored according to the probability of a shift on that branch). If "none" then edge.color will be assigned to all branches.
A color palette function used to paint the branches (unless edge.type="none")
If edge.type=="regimes", the posterior probability above which a shift should be reconstructed on the tree.
a logical value indicating whether or not a circle should be plotted at the base of the node with values that correspond to the posterior probability of having a shift.
The cex value of a circle with a posterior probability of 1
The color used to fill the circles
the type of symbol used to plot at the node to indicate posterior probability
the line width of the points plotted at the nodes
a value between 0 and 255 that indicates the transparency of the circles (255 is completely opaque).
a logical indicating whether the posterior probability for each branch should be printed above the branch
The color used for the posterior probability labels
a logical or numeric value indicating transparency of posterior probability labels. If TRUE, then transparency is ramped from invisible (pp=0), to black (pp=1). If numeric, all labels are given the same transparency. If NULL, then no transparency is given.
the size of the posterior probability labels
The color of edges if edge.type="none"
When edge.type=="theta", the number of samples used to estimate the median "theta" value from each branch. Since this is computationally intensive, this enables you to downsample the chain.
Additional arguments passed to ape's plot.phylo