Draws a treemap (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treemapping) based on the taxonomic information of the records.
n = 30,
title = NA,
legend = NA,
sum1 = "Family",
sum2 = "Genus"
No return value, called for plotting the graph
input data frame containing biodiversity data set
maximum number of rectangles to be plotted in the treemap. Default is 30
title for the tree. Default is "Records per <sum1>"
legend title. Default is "Number of <sum2>"
Taxonomic level whose density will be represented with different cell sizes
Taxonomic level whose density will be represented with a color gradient
This function builds a treemap of the taxonomic information present in the data set. It represents this information at two levels (with the arguments sum1 and sum2). The first level (sum1) will be represented with cell sizes and is a reflection of the number of records in that group. If, for example, "Family" is selected as value for sum1, the size of the cells in the treemap will be directly proportional to the number of records for that taxonomic family. The second level (sum2) will be represented by color and is a reflection of the number of sub-groups in a particular cell. If, for example, "Genus" is selected as value for sum2, the color of the cell will depend on the number of different genera for that particular cell.
Otegui, J., Arino, A. H., Encinas, M. A., & Pando, F. (2013). Assessing the Primary Data Hosted by the Spanish Node of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). PLoS ONE, 8(1), e55144. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055144