# Functions -----
lower <- function(a) {message("fake message, a = ", a); a+10}
middle <- function(b) {plot(b, main=b) ; warning("fake warning, b = ", b); lower(b) }
upper <- function(c) {cat("printing c:", c, "\n") ; middle(c)}
d <- upper(42)
# Classical error management with try -----
is.error( d <- upper("42"), TRUE, TRUE) # error, no d creation
traceback() # calling stack, but only in interactive mode
d <- try(upper("42"), silent=TRUE) # d created
cat(d) # with error message, but no traceback
inherits(d, "try-error") # use for coding
# way cooler with tryStack -----
d <- tryStack(upper("42") ) # like try, but with traceback, even for warnings
d <- tryStack(upper("42"), silent=TRUE, warn=0) # don't trace warnings
d <- tryStack(upper("42"), short=FALSE)
tryStack(upper(42)) # returns normal output, but warnings are easier to debug
# Note: you can also set options(showWarnCalls=TRUE)
stopifnot(inherits(d, "try-error"))
if (FALSE) ## file writing not wanted by CRAN checks
d <- tryStack(upper("42"), silent=TRUE, file="log.txt")
op <- options(warn=2)
d <- try(upper("42") )
d <- tryStack(upper("42") )
d <- tryStack(upper("42"), warn=FALSE)
options(op) ; rm(op)
# Nested calls -----
f <- function(k) tryStack(upper(k), silent=TRUE)
d <- f(42) ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
d <- f("42") ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
d <- tryStack(f(4) ) ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
# warnings in nested calls are printed twice, unless warn=0
d <- tryStack(f(4), warn=0) # could also be set within 'f'
d <- tryStack(f("4")) ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n")
d[1:3] ; rm(d)
# empty stack at begin - because of tryStack in f, no real error happened in f
# Other tests -----
cat( tryStack(upper("42")) )
f <- function(k) tryStack(stop("oh oh"))
d <- f(42) ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d) # level 4 not helpful, but OK
# stuff with base::try
f <- function(k) try(upper(k), silent=TRUE)
d <- f(42) ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
d <- f("42") ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d) # regular try output
f2 <- function(k) tryStack(f(k), warn=0, silent=TRUE)
d <- f2(42) ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
d <- f2("42") ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d) # try -> no error.
# -> Use tryCatch and you can nest those calls. note that d gets longer.
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