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berryFunctions (version 1.22.5)

almost.equal: Vectorized testing for near-equality


Vectorized testing for near-equality with all.equal. Since elements are recycled, this will not work for environments. You can use almost.equal directly in if expressions.


almost.equal(x, y, scale = 1, ...)


Logical vector


x, y

R objects to be compared with each other, recycled to max length


DEFAULT scale=1 for absolute comparison for numbers. use scale=NULL for relative comparison (all.equal default).


Further arguments passed to all.equal


Berry Boessenkool, berry-b@gmx.de, Jan 2017

See Also


Run this code

# General usage:
x <- c(0.4-0.1, 0.5-0.2)
x==0.3                    # FALSE TRUE # but mathematically, x is 0.3
all.equal(x, rep(0.3,2))  # TRUE
almost.equal(x,0.3)       # TRUE TRUE  # nice

y <- c(7777, 0.3)
   all.equal(x,y) # "Mean relative difference: 25922.33"   Not what I want
almost.equal(x,y) # FALSE TRUE                             Exactly what I want

# Absolute vs relative comparison, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57578257

   all.equal(6.2, 6.4, tolerance=0.04) # TRUE - unexpected!
almost.equal(6.2, 6.4, tolerance=0.04) # FALSE, thanks to default scale=1
almost.equal(6.2, 6.4, tolerance=0.04, scale=NULL) # as with all.equal

# Testing vectorization
almost.equal(1:6, 3)
almost.equal(1:6, NA)
almost.equal(1:6, NULL)

# Testing the function for different data types (in order of coercion):
almost.equal(c(TRUE,FALSE,NA), c(TRUE,FALSE,NA))      # logical
almost.equal(as.factor(letters), as.factor(letters))  # factor
   all.equal(1:6, 1:6)
almost.equal(1:6, 1:6)                                # integer  numeric see above
0.4+0.4i - 0.1-0.1i == 0.3+0.3i
almost.equal(0.4+0.4i - 0.1-0.1i, 0.3+0.3i)           # complex
   all.equal(letters, tolower(LETTERS))
almost.equal(letters, tolower(LETTERS))               # character
almost.equal(Sys.Date()+1:4,Sys.Date()+1:4)           # Date
x <- Sys.time()+0:2
almost.equal(x,x)                                     # POSIXt
A <- list(a=1:5, b=0.5-0.2)
B <- list(a=1:5, b=0.4-0.1)
almost.equal(A,B)                                     # list

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