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berryFunctions (version 1.22.5)

classify: Classification into groups


classify continuous values into categories with different methods:
- linearly or logarithmically spaced equal intervals,
- intervals based on quantiles (equally filled bins),
- intervals based on distance from the mean in normal distributions,
- user specified class borders (e.g. for legal or critical limits).


  method = "linear",
  breaks = NULL,
  Range = range(x, finite = TRUE),
  col = NULL,
  sdlab = 1,
  logbase = 1,
  quiet = FALSE,


if col=NULL, a list with class numbers (index) and other elements for colPoints. If col is a palette function, a vector of colors.



Vector with numeric values


Character string (partial matching is performed). Classification method (type of binning) to compute the class breakpoints. See section Details. DEFAULT: "linear"


Specification for method, see Details. DEFAULT: NULL (different defaults for each method)


Ends of intervals. DEFAULT: range(x, finite=TRUE)


Function that will return a color palette, e.g. seqPal. If given, a vector of colors is returned instead of the regular list. DEFAULT: NULL (ignored)


Type of label and breakpoints if method=standarddeviation. 1 means -0.5 sd, 0.5 sd, 2 means -1 sd, mean, 1 sd, 3 means actual numbers for type 1, 4 means numbers for type 2. DEFAULT: 1


base for logSpaced. Used only if not 1 and method="log". DEFAULT: 1


Suppress warnings, eg for values outside Range? DEFAULT: FALSE


Further arguments passed to the function col.


Berry Boessenkool, berry-b@gmx.de, 2014


Binning methods are explained very nicely in the link in the section References.
nbins indicates the number of classes (and thus, colors).

method| explanation| meaning of breaks| default
----------| -----------| -----------| -------
linear| nbins equally spaced classes| nbins| 100
log| nbins logarithmically spaced| nbins| 100
quantile| classes have equal number of values| the quantiles (or number of them)| 0:4/4
sd| normal distributions| number of sd in one direction from the mean| 3
custom| user-given breakpoints| breakpoint values (including ends of Range)| none

The default is set to equalinterval which makes sense for my original intent of plotting lake depth (bathymetry measured at irregularly distributed points) on a linear color scale.
This is the workhorse for colPoints.


See this page on the effect of classification (binning) methods:

See Also



Run this code

classify( c(1:10, 20), "lin", breaks=12)
classify( c(1:10, 20), "q", breaks=0:10/10)
classify( c(1:10, 20), "s", sdlab=2 )
classify( c(1:10, 20), "s", sdlab=1, breaks=2 )
classify( c(1:10, 20), "c", breaks=c(5,27) )
classify( c(1:10, 20), "log")

cols <- classify( c(1:10, 20), col=seqPal) ; cols
plot(c(1:10, 20), col=cols, pch=16, cex=2)

set.seed(42); rz <- rnorm(30, mean=350, sd=120)
classleg <- function(method="linear", breaks=100, sdlab=1, logbase=1, ...)
           do.call(colPointsLegend, owa(
           classify(rz, method=method, breaks=breaks, sdlab=sdlab, logbase=logbase),
           list(z=rz, title="", ...))   )
classleg(br=3, met="s", col=divPal(5),mar=c(0,3,1,0),hor=FALSE,x1=0.1,x2=0.25)
classleg(br=3, met="s", col=divPal(6),mar=c(0,3,1,0),hor=FALSE,x1=0.25,x2=0.4, sdlab=2)
classleg(y1=0.85, y2=1)
classleg(br=20, met="log", y1=0.70, y2=0.85)
classleg(br=20, met="log", y1=0.55, y2=0.70, logbase=1.15)
classleg(br=20, met="log", y1=0.45, y2=0.60, logbase=0.90)
classleg(br= 5, met="q", y1=0.30, y2=0.45)# quantiles: each color is equally often used
classleg(met="q", y1=0.15, y2=0.30, breaks=0:15/15, at=pretty2(rz), labels=pretty2(rz) )

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab