temp <- c(-9.3,-8.2,-2.8,6.3,13.4,16.8,18.4,17,11.7,5.6,-1,-5.9)#
rain <- c(46,46,36,30,31,21,26,57,76,85,59,46)
climateGraph(temp, rain)
climateGraph(temp, rain, textprop=0.6)
climateGraph(temp, rain, mar=c(2,3,4,3), textprop=0) # no table written to the right
# vertical lines instead of filled polygon:
climateGraph(temp, rain, arghumi=list(density=15, angle=90))
# fill color for arid without transparency:
climateGraph(temp, rain, argarid=list(col="gold"))
# for the Americans - axes should be different, though!:
climateGraph(temp, rain, units=c("\U{00B0}F","in"))
rain2 <- c(23, 11, 4, 2, 10, 53, 40, 15, 21, 25, 29, 22)
# fix ylim if you want to compare diagrams of different stations:
climateGraph(temp, rain2, ylim=c(-15, 50)) # works with two arid phases as well
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,1)) # mulipanel plot
climateGraph(temp, rain, argtext=list(cex=0.7))
climateGraph(temp, rain2, argtext=list(cex=0.7))
rain <- c(54, 23, 5, 2, 5, 70, 181, 345, 265, 145, 105, 80) # with extrema
climateGraph(temp, rain) # August can be visually compared to June
climateGraph(temp, rain, compress=TRUE)
# compressing extrema enables a better view of the temperature,
# but heigths of rain cannot be visually compared anymore
climateGraph(temp, rain, compress=TRUE, ylim=c(-10, 90))
# needs ylim in linearly continued temp units
climateGraph(temp, rain, compress=TRUE, argcomp=list(density=30, col="green"))
# example with (fake) weekly relative soil moisture (RSM) added:
temp <- c(-9.3,-8.2,-2.8,6.3,13.4,16.8,18.4,17,11.7,5.6,-1,-5.9)
rain <- c(46,46,36,30,31,21,26,57,76,85,59,46)
soil <- berryFunctions::rescale( cumsum(rnorm(52)), from=1, to=100)
xsoil <- seq(1, 12, length.out=52)
climateGraph(temp, rain, ylim=c(-10, 50) ) # ylim for RSM 0:100 on second axis
lines(xsoil, soil/2, lwd=5, col="orange")
mtext(paste("Relative\nsoil moisture\n\U00D8", round(mean(soil), 1), "%"),
side=3, col="orange", line=1, adj=0.99)
if (FALSE) {
climateGraph(temp, rain, main="Another Station\nlocated somewhere else")
# further German reading:
# Climate Graphs for the USA:
NOOAlink <- "https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/normals/1981-2010/"
# Find your Station here:
# Data from Roseburg, Oregon:
download.file(destfile="Roseburg.txt", url=paste0("https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/",
RT <- read.table(file="Roseburg.txt", skip=11, nrows=1, as.is=TRUE)[1,-1]
RT <- ( as.numeric(substr(RT,1,3))/10 - 32) * 5/9 # converted to degrees C
RP <- read.table(file="Roseburg.txt", skip=580, nrows=1, as.is=TRUE)[1,-1]
RP <- as.numeric(substr(RP,1,nchar(RP)-1))/100*25.4
meta <- read.table(file="Roseburg.txt", nrows=5, as.is=TRUE, sep=":")
meta <- paste(meta[1,2], paste(meta[3:4 ,2], collapse=" /"), meta[5,2], sep="\n")
climateGraph(RT, RP, main=meta)
climateGraph(RT, RP, main=meta, compress=TRUE)
# Climate Graphs for Germany:
link <- rdwd::selectDWD("Potsdam", res="monthly", var="kl", per="h")
file <- rdwd::dataDWD(link, dir=tempdir(), read=FALSE)
clim <- rdwd::readDWD(file)
temp <- tapply(clim$MO_TT, INDEX=format(clim$MESS_DATUM, "%m"), FUN=mean, na.rm=FALSE)
precsums <- tapply(clim$MO_RR, INDEX=format(clim$MESS_DATUM, "%Y-%m"), FUN=sum)
eachmonth <- format(strptime(paste(names(precsums),"01"), "%Y-%m %d"),"%m")
prec <- tapply(precsums, eachmonth, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
meta <- paste("Potsdam\n", paste(range(clim$MESS_DATUM, na.rm=TRUE),
collapse=" to "), "\n", sep="")
climateGraph(temp, prec, main=meta, ylim=c(-2, 45))
# Add Quartiles (as in boxplots): numerically sorted, 50% of the data lie inbetween
TQ <- tapply(clim$MO_TT, INDEX=format(clim$MESS_DATUM, "%m"), FUN=quantile)
TQ <- sapply(TQ, I)
arrows(x0=1:12, y0=TQ["25%",], y1=TQ["75%",], angle=90, code=3, col=2, len=0.1)
PQ <- tapply(precsums, eachmonth, FUN=quantile, na.rm=TRUE)
PQ <- sapply(PQ, I)
arrows(x0=1:12, y0=PQ["25%",]/2, y1=PQ["75%",]/2, angle=90, code=3, col=4, len=0, lwd=3, lend=1)
mtext("IQR shown als lines", col=8, at=6.5, line=0.7, cex=1.2, font=2)
# Comparison to diagram in climatol
# library2("climatol") # commented out to avoid dah error in dataStr testing
# data(datcli)
# diagwl(datcli,est="Example station",alt=100,per="1961-90",mlab="en")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab