# Taken directly from Stephen Few's PDF:
funnel <- read.table(header=TRUE, text="
Name SampleSize Incidents
Tony 2 2
Mike 400 224
Jan 100 54
Bob 1000 505
Sheila 2 1
Jeff 10 5
Sandy 500 236
Mitch 200 92
Mary 10 3
John 2 0")
X <- funnel$Incidents
N <- funnel$SampleSize
barplot(X/N, names=funnel$Name, main="success rate")
# not showing n!
# arguments for subfunctions as text may be given this way:
funnelPlot(x=X, n=N, labels=funnel$Name, at=list(cex=0.7, col="red"))
# Labeling many points is not very clear...
sel <- c(1,4,10) # selection
text(N[sel], (X/N*100)[sel], funnel$Name[sel], cex=0.7)
# You could also pass a vector with partly empty strings to funnelPlot
funnelPlot(x=X, n=N, labels=replace(funnel$Name, c(2,3,5:9), ""), at=list(adj=0.5))
# Even though Jan is more successfull than Mary in succes rate terms, both are
# easily within random variation. Mary may just have had a bad start.
# That Mike is doing better than average is not random, but (with 95% confidence)
# actually due to him being a very good seller.
# one more interesting option:
funnelPlot(X,N, a3=list(lty=2))
funnelPlot(X,N, a3=list(col=2, lwd=5))
# changing round line ends in legend _and_ plot is easiest with
funnelPlot(X,N, a3=list(col=2, lwd=5))
# The Wilson method yields slighty different (supposedly better) limits for small n:
funnelPlot(X,N, method="classic", al=list(title="Standard Method"))
funnelPlot(X,N, add=TRUE, method="wilson", a3=list(lty=2, col="red"),
a2=list(lty=2, col="blue"), al=list(x="bottomright", title="Wilson Method"))
# Both Wilson method implementations yield the same result:
funnelPlot(X,N, method="wilson")
funnelPlot(X,N, add=TRUE, method="wilsonapho",
a3=list(lty=2, col="red"), a2=list(lty=2, col="blue"))
# Note on nl used in the function, the n values for the ci lines:
plot( seq( 10 , 300 , len=50), rep( 1, 50) )
points(10^seq(log10(10), log10(300), len=50), rep(0.8, 50) )
# CI values change rapidly at small n, then later slowly.
# more x-resolution is needed in the first region, so it gets more of the points
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