Learn R Programming

berryFunctions (version 1.22.5)

learnVocab: spaced learning


spaced learning e.g. for vocabulary. Uses interactive questions.
Note: this currently clears the console!
Based on https://ncase.me/remember/ by Nicky Case.
At the beginning, new vocab will be asked, skip with empty ENTER.


learnVocab(vocfile = "C:/Dropbox/Sonstiges/Vokabeln.csv", nnew = 3)


Updated vocab list, invisibly.



File with vocabulary (or whatever you want to learn). The first line must contain the learning day, see examples. The second line must contain LEVEL;known;new, the last two being (short) names, e.g. languages (known will be displayed first).


Number of new entries to be added interactively at the start. They can still be skipped by writing nothing and pressing the ENTER key. DEFAULT: 3


Berry Boessenkool, berry-b@gmx.de, Apr 2019


Run this code
if (FALSE)  # Excluded from checks, works only interactively! 
# initiate empty vocab list:
vocfile <- tempfile("myvocab",fileext=".csv")
cat("learning_day 1\nLEVEL;DE;FR\n1;Das Haus;la maison\n", file=vocfile)

learnVocab(vocfile) # asks new vocab, then tests and changes level as needed

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab