set.seed(42); x <- 10^rnorm(100, 3); y <- runif(100)
linLogTrans(x,y, steps=15, sleep=0.05)
linLogTrans(x,y, steps=15, log="y", ylim=c(0.1, 0.8), base=c(1,2,5))
if (FALSE) {
## Rcmd check --as-cran doesn't like to open external devices such as pdf,
## so this example is excluded from running in the checks.
linLogTrans(x,y, main="Example Transition")
# if you have FFmpeg installed, you can use the animation package like this:
saveVideo(linLogTrans(x,y, steps=300),"linlog_anim.mp4", interval=0.01,
# old t values were dependent on the value of steps
findt <- function(steps) {
# t-values for x^(1/t):
allt <- 10^(seq(0,2.5,len=1e4) )
# selection at upper half of these values;
# Otherwise, the animation slows down too much at the end
f <- 1.4 # multiplication factor due to length loss by unique
sel <- round(seq(1, 10, len=f*steps)^4) #0.5*seq(1, 100, len=1.3*steps)^2 + 0.5*
sel2 <- unique(round(log10(seq(1, 10, len=f*steps))*f*steps))
sel2[1] <- 1
sel <- sel[sel2]
# final t-values for transition:
allt <- unique(round(allt[sel], 2))
data.frame(x=seq(1,1000,len=length(allt)), t=allt)
plot(findt(1000), type="l", log="y", las=1)
for(i in 5:999) lines(findt(i), col=rainbow2(1000)[i])
d <- findt(300)
lines(d) # good average
plot(d$x[-1], diff(d$t), type="l", ylim=c(3e-3,10), yaxt="n", log="y", main="t value growth rate")
logAxis(2) ; lines(d$x[-1], diff(d$t))
d2 <- findt(1000)
lines(d2$x[-1], diff(d2$t), col=2)
lines(2:1000, diff(linLogTrans(1,1, steps=1000, plot=F)), col=4)
d <- findt(300)
cf <- coef(lm(t ~ poly(x,17, raw=T), data=d)) # these are currently used in the function
x <- 1:1000
y <- rowSums(sapply(1:18, function(i) cf[i]*x^(i-1)), na.rm=TRUE)
lines(x, y, lwd=3)
y[1] <- 1
plot(x, round(y, 3), ylim=c(1,3), xlim=c(0,500), type="l", log="")
dput(round(y, 3))
findn <- function(steps) nrow(findt(steps))
plot(1:1000, sapply(1:1000, findn), type="l")
abline(b=1, a=0)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab