x <- c(runif(100,0,3), runif(200, 3, 25)) # random from uniform distribution
y <- 12.367*log10(x)+7.603+rnorm(300) # random from normal distribution
plot(x,y, xlim=c(0,40))
mReg(x,y) # warning comes from negative y-values (suppress with quiet=TRUE)
# Formula specification:
mReg(Volume~Height, data=trees)
# NA management
x[3:20] <- NA
# Passing arguments to legend:
mReg(x,y, pch=1, legargs=list(x="bottomright", cex=0.7), legendform="form")
mReg(x,y, col=rainbow2(11))
mReg(x,y, extend=0.2) # less empty space around data points
mReg(x,y, nbest=4) # only 4 distributions plotted
mReg(x,y, legargs=list(x=7, y=8, bty="o", cex=0.6)) # Legend position as coordinates
if (FALSE) # Excluded from Rcmd check (opening external devices)
View(mReg(x,y, Poly45=TRUE, exp_4=TRUE, plot=FALSE)) # exp_4: fit more distributions
# optim methods often yield different results, so be careful using this.
# I might insert a possibility to specify initial values for optim.
# 4 Parameters allow several combinations to yield similarly good results!
plot( 0:10, 3.5*exp(0.8*( 0:10 + 2 )) + 15 , type="l")
lines(0:10, 18*exp(0.8*( 0:10 - 2.5e-05)) - 5, col=2)
# okay, different dataset:
x <- c(1.3, 1.6, 2.1, 2.9, 4.4, 5.7, 6.6, 8.3, 8.6, 9.5)
y <- c(8.6, 7.9, 6.6, 5.6, 4.3, 3.7, 3.2, 2.5, 2.5, 2.2)
mReg(x,y, legargs=list(cex=0.7, x="topright"), main="dangers of extrapolation")
points(x,y, cex=2, lwd=2)
# Polynomial fits are good within the data range, but, in this case obviously,
# be really careful extrapolating! If you know that further data will also be low,
# add another point to test differences:
mReg(c(x,11,13,15), c(y,2,2,2), xf="myX", yf="myY", Poly45=TRUE, legendform="name")
points(x,y, cex=2, lwd=2)
# The Polynomials are still very good: they have 5 to 6 Parameters, after all!
# Poly45 is set to FALSE by default to avoid such overfitting.
mReg(x,y, pcol=8, ncol=0) # no return to console
# only plot a subset: best n fits, minimum fit quality, or user selection
mReg(x,y, pcol=8, ncol=2, nbest=4)
mReg(x,y, pcol=8, ncol=2, R2min=0.7)
mReg(x,y, pcol=8, ncol=2, selection=c(2,5,8))
# selecting the fifth degree polynomial activates Poly45 (in the output table)
# Add to axisting plot:
plot(x,y, xlim=c(0,40))
mReg(x,y, add=TRUE, lwd=12:1/2, ncol=0)
# lwd, lty can be vectors of length 12, specifying each line separately.
# Give those in fix order (see section notes), not in best-fit order of the legend.
# The order is Polynomial(1:5), log, exp, power, reciprocal, rational, exp_4_param
# color has to be a vector of 12
# opposedly, lwd and lty are repeated 12 times, if only one value is given
# One more dataset:
j <- c(5,8,10,9,13,6,2) ; k <- c(567,543,587,601,596,533,512)
# Inset from margin of plot region:
mReg(j,k, legargs=list(x="bottomright", inset=.05, bty="o"), legendform="name")
# Legend forms
mReg(j,k, legargs=list(x="bottomright"), legendform="name")
mReg(j,k, legargs=list(x="bottomright"), legendform="form")
mReg(j,k, legargs=list(x="bottomright"), legendform="nameform")
mReg(j,k, legargs=list(x="bottomright"), legendform="full")
if (FALSE) # Excluded from Rcmd check (long computing time)
# The question that got me started on this whole function...
# exponential decline of temperature of a mug of hot chocolate
tfile <- system.file("extdata/Temp.txt", package="berryFunctions")
temp <- read.table(tfile, header=TRUE, dec=",")
temp <- temp[-20,] # missing value - rmse would complain about it
x <- temp$Minuten
y <- temp$Temp
mReg(x,y, exp_4=TRUE, selection=11)
# y=49*e^(-0.031*(x - 0 )) + 25 correct, judged from the model:
# Temp=T0 - Te *exp(k*t) + Te with T0=73.76, Tend=26.21, k=-0.031
# optmethod="Nelder-Mead" # y=52*e^(-0.031*(x + 3.4)) + 26 wrong
x <- seq(1, 1000, 1)
y <- (x+22)/(x+123) # can't find an analytical solution so far. Want to check out nls
mReg(x, y, legargs=list(x="right"))
# Solitaire Results. According to
# Points=700000/Time + Score
# I recorded my results as an excuse to play this game a lot.
sfile <- system.file("extdata/solitaire.txt", package="berryFunctions")
solitaire <- read.table(sfile, header=TRUE)
mReg(solitaire$Time, solitaire$Points) # and yes, reciprocal ranks highest! Play Fast!
mReg(solitaire$Time, solitaire$Bonus, xlim=c(50,200), extend=0, nbest=3)
sol <- unique(na.omit(solitaire[c("Time","Bonus")]))
sol$official <- round(700000/sol$Time/5)*5
mReg(sol$Time, sol$Bonus, extend=0, selection=9, col=rep(4,10), legendform="full")
plot(sol$Time, sol$official-sol$Bonus, type="l")
# multivariate regression should be added, too:
sfile <- system.file("extdata/gelman_equation_search.txt", package="berryFunctions")
mv <- read.table(sfile, header=TRUE)
sfile <- system.file("extdata/mRegProblem.txt", package="berryFunctions")
x <- read.table(sfile, header=TRUE)$x
y <- read.table(sfile, header=TRUE)$y
mReg(x,y, digits=6) # all very equal
x2 <- x-min(x)
mReg(x2,y, digits=6) # Formulas are wrong if digits is too low!!
#mReg(x2,y, legendform="full")
# Zero and NA testing (to be moved to unit testing someday...)
mReg(1:10, rep(0,10))
mReg(1:10, c(rep(0,9),NA))
mReg(1:10, rep(NA,10))
mReg(rep(1,10), 1:10)
mReg(rep(0,10), 1:10)
mReg(c(rep(0,9),NA), 1:10)
mReg(rep(NA,10), 1:10)
mReg(1:10, rep(0,10), quiet=TRUE)
mReg(1:10, c(rep(0,9),NA), quiet=TRUE)
mReg(1:10, rep(NA,10), quiet=TRUE)
mReg(rep(1,10), 1:10, quiet=TRUE)
mReg(rep(0,10), 1:10, quiet=TRUE)
mReg(c(rep(0,9),NA), 1:10, quiet=TRUE)
mReg(rep(NA,10), 1:10, quiet=TRUE)
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