# general usage -------------------------------------------------------------
set.seed(29); a <- runif(40, 5,50)
data.frame(a, movAv(a))
# final and commencing NAs are kept, middle ones are filled:
a[c(1:10, 18:26, 32:40)] <- NA
data.frame(a, movAv(a))
set.seed(29); a <- runif(60, 5,50)
plot(a, type="o", pch=16, las=1)
lines(movAv(a), col=2, lwd=3) # shows trends, signal in the noise
lines(movAv(a,3), col=4, lwd=3)
lines(movAv(a,15), col=3, lwd=3) # degree of smoothing depends on window width
# Weights:
plot(a, type="o", pch=16, las=1)
lines(movAv(a), col=2, lwd=3) # uniform weight within running window
# Triangular weights react stronger to extrema:
lines(movAv(a, weights=c(1,2,4,6,4,2,1)), col=4, lwd=3)
plot(c(Nile), type="l")
lines(movAv(Nile,20), col=4, lwd=4)
lines(movAv(Nile,21), col=3) # even widths are changed to a higher value
# smoothing intenstiy -------------------------------------------------------
plot(1871:1970, Nile, type="l", col=8)
movAvLines(1871:1970, Nile, lwd=3)
for(i in 1:30*2-1)
plot(a, type="o", pch=16, las=1, main=paste("moving average, width =", i))
lines(movAv(a, i), col=2, lwd=4)
# How to lie with moving averages: compare width 29 with 49 - the "trend"
# appears to be in opposite direction! (OK, this is random data anyways).
b <- rep(a, each=10)+runif(600, -10, 20)
plot(b, type="l")
lines(movAv(b), col=2, lwd=4)
lines(movAv(b, 35), col=4, lwd=4)
lines(movAv(b, 101), col=5, lwd=4) # choose width according to scale!
# Deviance from running mean can identify outlier:
nile <- c(Nile)
op <- par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(1,3,2.5,0), cex.main=1, las=1)
plot(nile, type="l", main=c("original Nile data",""), xlab="", xaxt="n")
lines(movAv(nile,5), lwd=2, col=2)
title(main=c("", "5-element running mean (moving average)"), col.main=2)
plot(nile-movAv(nile,5), type="o", pch=16, col=4,
main="difference ( original data - moving average )", xlab="", xaxt="n")
hist(nile-movAv(nile,5), breaks=25, xlim=c(-500,500), col=4, main="Deviances")
abline(v=0, lwd=5) # the deviances are pretty symmetric.
# If this were shifted more strongly to the left, we could say:
# movav(5) overestimates minima more than it underestimates maxima
# This would happen if low values peak away further and more shortly
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