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Normality test: histogram with corresponding normal density distribution line,
as well as p values for various normality tests.
The package nortest
is needed for full functionality.
plot = TRUE,
main = deparse(substitute(v)),
breaks = 15,
col = "tan",
legend = TRUE,
named vector of p values
Vector of values to be tested for normality
Plot the histogram with the corresponding normal density distribution? DEFAULT: TRUE
Graph title. DEFAULT: deparse(substitute(v))
Number of bins. Exact, unlike in hist
Color of bars. DEFAULT: "tan"
Add legend text in topright? DEFAULT: TRUE
Further arguments passed to hist
Berry Boessenkool,, Sep 2021
normTest(rnorm(1000, mean=97, sd=8.9))
# if p > 0.05: accept Nullhypothesis that data are normally distributed.
if(requireNamespace("pbapply")) replicate <- pbapply::pbreplicate
par(mfcol=c(7,6), mar=c(0,0.1,1,0.1), oma=c(2.5,1.5,2.5,0), las=1)
invisible(sapply(c("rnorm(10)", "rnorm(100)",
"rexp(10)", "rexp(100)",
"runif(10)", "runif(100)"), function(vv){
check <- replicate(1e2, normTest(v=eval(str2lang(vv)), plot=FALSE))
for(n in rownames(check))
{hist(check[n,], breaks=seq(0,1,len=20), axes=FALSE, ylab="", xlab="", main="")
if(n=="ShapiroWilk") title(main=vv, line=1, xpd=NA)
if(vv=="rnorm(10)") title(ylab=n, line=0, xpd=NA)
abline(v=0.05, col="blue", lwd=1, xpd=TRUE)
axis(1, at=0:1)
title(main="P values of tests for normality with", outer=TRUE, line=1.5)
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